Area code 56 (Santiago, Metropolitan Region)

Local time
Santiago, Metropolitan Region
Emergency phone number
Santiago, Metropolitan Region
Santiago, Metropolitan Region
Country Calling Code: +56
E.164 (Country Code): 56
Emergency phone number: 133
Capital: Santiago
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: (CLF)Chile Peso (CLP)
Local Time: 20:19
Timezone: America/Punta_Arenas
Population: 18 729 160
Land Area: 756 950 KM2

Area code 56 - Santiago, Metropolitan Region

Santiago, Metropolitan Region is located in Chile and has area code 56. When calling a person or company located in Santiago, Metropolitan Region from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +5656 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Santiago, Metropolitan Region is 20:19.

Reported phone numbers in Santiago, Metropolitan Region

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+56223688192 +56 2 2368 8192 (2) 2368 8192 tel:+56-2-2368-8192
+56223707800 +56 2 2370 7800 (2) 2370 7800 tel:+56-2-2370-7800
+56223727410 +56 2 2372 7410 (2) 2372 7410 tel:+56-2-2372-7410
+56223748799 +56 2 2374 8799 (2) 2374 8799 tel:+56-2-2374-8799
+56223836820 +56 2 2383 6820 (2) 2383 6820 tel:+56-2-2383-6820
+56223836850 +56 2 2383 6850 (2) 2383 6850 tel:+56-2-2383-6850
+56223836851 +56 2 2383 6851 (2) 2383 6851 tel:+56-2-2383-6851
+56223836852 +56 2 2383 6852 (2) 2383 6852 tel:+56-2-2383-6852
+56223836853 +56 2 2383 6853 (2) 2383 6853 tel:+56-2-2383-6853
+56223836854 +56 2 2383 6854 (2) 2383 6854 tel:+56-2-2383-6854
+56223836855 +56 2 2383 6855 (2) 2383 6855 tel:+56-2-2383-6855
+56223836856 +56 2 2383 6856 (2) 2383 6856 tel:+56-2-2383-6856
+56223836857 +56 2 2383 6857 (2) 2383 6857 tel:+56-2-2383-6857
+56223855000 +56 2 2385 5000 (2) 2385 5000 tel:+56-2-2385-5000
+56223856800 +56 2 2385 6800 (2) 2385 6800 tel:+56-2-2385-6800
+56223861100 +56 2 2386 1100 (2) 2386 1100 tel:+56-2-2386-1100
+56223870300 +56 2 2387 0300 (2) 2387 0300 tel:+56-2-2387-0300
+56223873600 +56 2 2387 3600 (2) 2387 3600 tel:+56-2-2387-3600
+56223889000 +56 2 2388 9000 (2) 2388 9000 tel:+56-2-2388-9000
+56223906600 +56 2 2390 6600 (2) 2390 6600 tel:+56-2-2390-6600
+56223921400 +56 2 2392 1400 (2) 2392 1400 tel:+56-2-2392-1400
+56223921500 +56 2 2392 1500 (2) 2392 1500 tel:+56-2-2392-1500
+56223931000 +56 2 2393 1000 (2) 2393 1000 tel:+56-2-2393-1000
+56223969300 +56 2 2396 9300 (2) 2396 9300 tel:+56-2-2396-9300
+56223969800 +56 2 2396 9800 (2) 2396 9800 tel:+56-2-2396-9800
+56224022201 +56 2 2402 2201 (2) 2402 2201 tel:+56-2-2402-2201
+56224025000 +56 2 2402 5000 (2) 2402 5000 tel:+56-2-2402-5000
+56224025305 +56 2 2402 5305 (2) 2402 5305 tel:+56-2-2402-5305
+56224025306 +56 2 2402 5306 (2) 2402 5306 tel:+56-2-2402-5306
+56224025308 +56 2 2402 5308 (2) 2402 5308 tel:+56-2-2402-5308
+56224025309 +56 2 2402 5309 (2) 2402 5309 tel:+56-2-2402-5309
+56224025310 +56 2 2402 5310 (2) 2402 5310 tel:+56-2-2402-5310
+56224025314 +56 2 2402 5314 (2) 2402 5314 tel:+56-2-2402-5314
+56224025317 +56 2 2402 5317 (2) 2402 5317 tel:+56-2-2402-5317
+56224025318 +56 2 2402 5318 (2) 2402 5318 tel:+56-2-2402-5318
+56224025336 +56 2 2402 5336 (2) 2402 5336 tel:+56-2-2402-5336
+56224025339 +56 2 2402 5339 (2) 2402 5339 tel:+56-2-2402-5339
+56224025347 +56 2 2402 5347 (2) 2402 5347 tel:+56-2-2402-5347
+56224051800 +56 2 2405 1800 (2) 2405 1800 tel:+56-2-2405-1800
+56224052750 +56 2 2405 2750 (2) 2405 2750 tel:+56-2-2405-2750
+56224053295 +56 2 2405 3295 (2) 2405 3295 tel:+56-2-2405-3295
+56224055399 +56 2 2405 5399 (2) 2405 5399 tel:+56-2-2405-5399
+56224061400 +56 2 2406 1400 (2) 2406 1400 tel:+56-2-2406-1400
+56224104500 +56 2 2410 4500 (2) 2410 4500 tel:+56-2-2410-4500
+56224110241 +56 2 2411 0241 (2) 2411 0241 tel:+56-2-2411-0241
+56224118400 +56 2 2411 8400 (2) 2411 8400 tel:+56-2-2411-8400
+56224121300 +56 2 2412 1300 (2) 2412 1300 tel:+56-2-2412-1300
+56224208000 +56 2 2420 8000 (2) 2420 8000 tel:+56-2-2420-8000
+56224243800 +56 2 2424 3800 (2) 2424 3800 tel:+56-2-2424-3800
+56224246000 +56 2 2424 6000 (2) 2424 6000 tel:+56-2-2424-6000