Reported phone numbers in Sweden (+46)

Area code
Local time
87 244
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +46
E.164 (Country Code): 46
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Stockholm
Language: Swedish
Valuta: Swedish Krona (SEK)
Local Time: 09:29
Timezone: Europe/Stockholm
Population: 87 244
Land Area: 449 964 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Sweden without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Sweden but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Sweden / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +46 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lund is 09:29. Lund has a population of 87 244 citiciens (2019-09-05).

Reported phone numbers in Lund

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+46101009916 +46 10 100 99 16 010-100 99 16 tel:+46-10-100-99-16
+46108885624 +46 10 888 56 24 010-888 56 24 tel:+46-10-888-56-24
+46702233456 +46 70 223 34 56 070-223 34 56 tel:+46-70-223-34-56
+46705522468 +46 70 552 24 68 070-552 24 68 tel:+46-70-552-24-68
+46706971590 +46 70 697 15 90 070-697 15 90 tel:+46-70-697-15-90
+46731251122 +46 73 125 11 22 073-125 11 22 tel:+46-73-125-11-22
+46738835360 +46 73 883 53 60 073-883 53 60 tel:+46-73-883-53-60
+46705869432 +46 70 586 94 32 070-586 94 32 tel:+46-70-586-94-32
+46705869123 +46 70 586 91 23 070-586 91 23 tel:+46-70-586-91-23
+46705869124 +46 70 586 91 24 070-586 91 24 tel:+46-70-586-91-24
+46705869121 +46 70 586 91 21 070-586 91 21 tel:+46-70-586-91-21
+46705869125 +46 70 586 91 25 070-586 91 25 tel:+46-70-586-91-25
+46705869129 +46 70 586 91 29 070-586 91 29 tel:+46-70-586-91-29
+46763172310 +46 76 317 23 10 076-317 23 10 tel:+46-76-317-23-10
+46733644474 +46 73 364 44 74 073-364 44 74 tel:+46-73-364-44-74
+46441382452570 +46 441382452570 441382452570 tel:+46-441382452570
+46766760698 +46 76 676 06 98 076-676 06 98 tel:+46-76-676-06-98
+46734717024 +46 73 471 70 24 073-471 70 24 tel:+46-73-471-70-24
+46735300645 +46 73 530 06 45 073-530 06 45 tel:+46-73-530-06-45
+46707775600 +46 70 777 56 00 070-777 56 00 tel:+46-70-777-56-00
+46720540561 +46 72 054 05 61 072-054 05 61 tel:+46-72-054-05-61
+46707629165 +46 70 762 91 65 070-762 91 65 tel:+46-70-762-91-65
+46737028968 +46 73 702 89 68 073-702 89 68 tel:+46-73-702-89-68
+4630510723 +46 305 107 23 0305-107 23 tel:+46-305-107-23
+46709292961 +46 70 929 29 61 070-929 29 61 tel:+46-70-929-29-61
+46705869321 +46 70 586 93 21 070-586 93 21 tel:+46-70-586-93-21
+46790391468 +46 79 039 14 68 079-039 14 68 tel:+46-79-039-14-68
+46702336426 +46 70 233 64 26 070-233 64 26 tel:+46-70-233-64-26
+46724002804 +46 72 400 28 04 072-400 28 04 tel:+46-72-400-28-04