Area code 1267 (Carmarthen)

Area code
Local time
15 854
Emergency phone number
999 or 112
Area: Carmarthen
Area code: 01267
Country Calling Code: +44
E.164 (Country Code): 44
Emergency phone number: 999 or 112
Capital: London
Language: English
Valuta: British Pound (GBP)
Local Time: 23:13
Timezone: Europe/London
Population: 15 854
Land Area: 244 820 KM2

Area code 1267 - Carmarthen

Carmarthen is located in United Kingdom and has area code 1267. When calling a person or company located in Carmarthen from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +441267 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Carmarthen is 23:13. Carmarthen has a population of 15 854 citiciens (2017-06-12).

Carmarthen - Postal numbers

Carmarthen has 1 postal number / zip number.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat

Reported phone numbers in Carmarthen

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+441267222640 +44 1267 222640 01267 222640 tel:+44-1267-222640
+441267226753 +44 1267 226753 01267 226753 tel:+44-1267-226753
+441267228405 +44 1267 228405 01267 228405 tel:+44-1267-228405
+441267228409 +44 1267 228409 01267 228409 tel:+44-1267-228409
+441267240307 +44 1267 240307 01267 240307 tel:+44-1267-240307
+441267240494 +44 1267 240494 01267 240494 tel:+44-1267-240494
+441267242595 +44 1267 242595 01267 242595 tel:+44-1267-242595
+441267244800 +44 1267 244800 01267 244800 tel:+44-1267-244800
+441267650107 +44 1267 650107 01267 650107 tel:+44-1267-650107
+441267668501 +44 1267 668501 01267 668501 tel:+44-1267-668501
+441267668505 +44 1267 668505 01267 668505 tel:+44-1267-668505
+441267668516 +44 1267 668516 01267 668516 tel:+44-1267-668516
+441267668552 +44 1267 668552 01267 668552 tel:+44-1267-668552
+441267668554 +44 1267 668554 01267 668554 tel:+44-1267-668554
+441267668603 +44 1267 668603 01267 668603 tel:+44-1267-668603
+441267668608 +44 1267 668608 01267 668608 tel:+44-1267-668608
+441267668619 +44 1267 668619 01267 668619 tel:+44-1267-668619
+441267668621 +44 1267 668621 01267 668621 tel:+44-1267-668621
+441267668626 +44 1267 668626 01267 668626 tel:+44-1267-668626
+441267668685 +44 1267 668685 01267 668685 tel:+44-1267-668685
+441267668698 +44 1267 668698 01267 668698 tel:+44-1267-668698
+441267863102 +44 1267 863102 01267 863102 tel:+44-1267-863102
+441267863113 +44 1267 863113 01267 863113 tel:+44-1267-863113
+441267863202 +44 1267 863202 01267 863202 tel:+44-1267-863202
+441267863249 +44 1267 863249 01267 863249 tel:+44-1267-863249
+441267863336 +44 1267 863336 01267 863336 tel:+44-1267-863336
+441267863412 +44 1267 863412 01267 863412 tel:+44-1267-863412
+441267863417 +44 1267 863417 01267 863417 tel:+44-1267-863417
+441267863536 +44 1267 863536 01267 863536 tel:+44-1267-863536
+441267863651 +44 1267 863651 01267 863651 tel:+44-1267-863651
+441267863772 +44 1267 863772 01267 863772 tel:+44-1267-863772
+441267863775 +44 1267 863775 01267 863775 tel:+44-1267-863775
+441267863779 +44 1267 863779 01267 863779 tel:+44-1267-863779
+441267863785 +44 1267 863785 01267 863785 tel:+44-1267-863785
+441267863788 +44 1267 863788 01267 863788 tel:+44-1267-863788
+441267863793 +44 1267 863793 01267 863793 tel:+44-1267-863793
+441267863811 +44 1267 863811 01267 863811 tel:+44-1267-863811
+441267863814 +44 1267 863814 01267 863814 tel:+44-1267-863814
+441267863822 +44 1267 863822 01267 863822 tel:+44-1267-863822
+441267863831 +44 1267 863831 01267 863831 tel:+44-1267-863831
+441267863837 +44 1267 863837 01267 863837 tel:+44-1267-863837
+441267863843 +44 1267 863843 01267 863843 tel:+44-1267-863843
+441267863845 +44 1267 863845 01267 863845 tel:+44-1267-863845
+441267863846 +44 1267 863846 01267 863846 tel:+44-1267-863846
+441267863894 +44 1267 863894 01267 863894 tel:+44-1267-863894
+441267863902 +44 1267 863902 01267 863902 tel:+44-1267-863902
+441267863908 +44 1267 863908 01267 863908 tel:+44-1267-863908
+441267863910 +44 1267 863910 01267 863910 tel:+44-1267-863910
+441267863927 +44 1267 863927 01267 863927 tel:+44-1267-863927
+441267863928 +44 1267 863928 01267 863928 tel:+44-1267-863928