Area code 250 (Kelowna, BC)

Area code
Kelowna, BC
Local time
Kelowna, BC
Emergency phone number
Kelowna, BC
Area: Kelowna, BC
Area code: 0250
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 09:23
Timezone: America/Adak
Population: 327 167 434
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Area code 250 - Kelowna, BC

Kelowna, BC is located in United States and has area code 250. When calling a person or company located in Kelowna, BC from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1250 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Kelowna, BC is 09:23.

Reported phone numbers in Kelowna, BC

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+12502157004 +1 250-215-7004 (250) 215-7004 tel:+1-250-215-7004
+12502157014 +1 250-215-7014 (250) 215-7014 tel:+1-250-215-7014
+12502156963 +1 250-215-6963 (250) 215-6963 tel:+1-250-215-6963
+12502156967 +1 250-215-6967 (250) 215-6967 tel:+1-250-215-6967
+12507633134 +1 250-763-3134 (250) 763-3134 tel:+1-250-763-3134
+12502156960 +1 250-215-6960 (250) 215-6960 tel:+1-250-215-6960
+12507636675 +1 250-763-6675 (250) 763-6675 tel:+1-250-763-6675
+12507636673 +1 250-763-6673 (250) 763-6673 tel:+1-250-763-6673
+12502156985 +1 250-215-6985 (250) 215-6985 tel:+1-250-215-6985
+12502156995 +1 250-215-6995 (250) 215-6995 tel:+1-250-215-6995
+12502156966 +1 250-215-6966 (250) 215-6966 tel:+1-250-215-6966
+12502156983 +1 250-215-6983 (250) 215-6983 tel:+1-250-215-6983
+12502156997 +1 250-215-6997 (250) 215-6997 tel:+1-250-215-6997
+12507633127 +1 250-763-3127 (250) 763-3127 tel:+1-250-763-3127
+12502157009 +1 250-215-7009 (250) 215-7009 tel:+1-250-215-7009
+12502157001 +1 250-215-7001 (250) 215-7001 tel:+1-250-215-7001
+12502154606 +1 250-215-4606 (250) 215-4606 tel:+1-250-215-4606
+12507633129 +1 250-763-3129 (250) 763-3129 tel:+1-250-763-3129
+12507636677 +1 250-763-6677 (250) 763-6677 tel:+1-250-763-6677
+12502157000 +1 250-215-7000 (250) 215-7000 tel:+1-250-215-7000
+12507636682 +1 250-763-6682 (250) 763-6682 tel:+1-250-763-6682
+12502154603 +1 250-215-4603 (250) 215-4603 tel:+1-250-215-4603
+12502156979 +1 250-215-6979 (250) 215-6979 tel:+1-250-215-6979
+12502156965 +1 250-215-6965 (250) 215-6965 tel:+1-250-215-6965
+12502156974 +1 250-215-6974 (250) 215-6974 tel:+1-250-215-6974
+12502156984 +1 250-215-6984 (250) 215-6984 tel:+1-250-215-6984
+12507636678 +1 250-763-6678 (250) 763-6678 tel:+1-250-763-6678
+12502157005 +1 250-215-7005 (250) 215-7005 tel:+1-250-215-7005
+12502156988 +1 250-215-6988 (250) 215-6988 tel:+1-250-215-6988
+12502157006 +1 250-215-7006 (250) 215-7006 tel:+1-250-215-7006
+12502157002 +1 250-215-7002 (250) 215-7002 tel:+1-250-215-7002
+12502156986 +1 250-215-6986 (250) 215-6986 tel:+1-250-215-6986
+12507636680 +1 250-763-6680 (250) 763-6680 tel:+1-250-763-6680
+12507633125 +1 250-763-3125 (250) 763-3125 tel:+1-250-763-3125
+12502156993 +1 250-215-6993 (250) 215-6993 tel:+1-250-215-6993
+12504694200 +1 250-469-4200 (250) 469-4200 tel:+1-250-469-4200