Lockport, Louisiana - Area code 985

Area code
Lockport, LA
Local time
Lockport, LA
Emergency phone number
Lockport, LA
State: Louisiana
State code: LA
Area: Lockport, LA
Area code: 0985
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 07:17
Timezone: America/Chicago
Population: 4 515 939
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Lockport, Louisiana - United States, Louisiana

Lockport is located in United States and has area code 985. When calling a person or company located in Lockport from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1985 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lockport, LA is 07:17.

Lockport - Postal numbers

Lockport has 5 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
14094LockportNew York-78.6923/43.16
14095LockportNew York-78.6903/43.1706

Reported phone numbers in Lockport

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+19855320316 +1 985-532-0316 (985) 532-0316 tel:+1-985-532-0316
+19855322402 +1 985-532-2402 (985) 532-2402 tel:+1-985-532-2402
+19855322634 +1 985-532-2634 (985) 532-2634 tel:+1-985-532-2634
+19855325109 +1 985-532-5109 (985) 532-5109 tel:+1-985-532-5109
+19855321887 +1 985-532-1887 (985) 532-1887 tel:+1-985-532-1887
+19855322212 +1 985-532-2212 (985) 532-2212 tel:+1-985-532-2212
+19855321267 +1 985-532-1267 (985) 532-1267 tel:+1-985-532-1267
+19855322151 +1 985-532-2151 (985) 532-2151 tel:+1-985-532-2151
+19855322417 +1 985-532-2417 (985) 532-2417 tel:+1-985-532-2417
+19855322450 +1 985-532-2450 (985) 532-2450 tel:+1-985-532-2450
+19855322431 +1 985-532-2431 (985) 532-2431 tel:+1-985-532-2431
+19855320602 +1 985-532-0602 (985) 532-0602 tel:+1-985-532-0602
+19855320653 +1 985-532-0653 (985) 532-0653 tel:+1-985-532-0653
+19855320236 +1 985-532-0236 (985) 532-0236 tel:+1-985-532-0236
+19855321171 +1 985-532-1171 (985) 532-1171 tel:+1-985-532-1171
+19855322519 +1 985-532-2519 (985) 532-2519 tel:+1-985-532-2519
+19855321651 +1 985-532-1651 (985) 532-1651 tel:+1-985-532-1651
+19855322116 +1 985-532-2116 (985) 532-2116 tel:+1-985-532-2116
+19855322147 +1 985-532-2147 (985) 532-2147 tel:+1-985-532-2147
+19855326143 +1 985-532-6143 (985) 532-6143 tel:+1-985-532-6143
+19855322050 +1 985-532-2050 (985) 532-2050 tel:+1-985-532-2050
+19855327765 +1 985-532-7765 (985) 532-7765 tel:+1-985-532-7765
+19855320283 +1 985-532-0283 (985) 532-0283 tel:+1-985-532-0283
+19855320472 +1 985-532-0472 (985) 532-0472 tel:+1-985-532-0472
+19855320950 +1 985-532-0950 (985) 532-0950 tel:+1-985-532-0950
+19855322148 +1 985-532-2148 (985) 532-2148 tel:+1-985-532-2148
+19855320291 +1 985-532-0291 (985) 532-0291 tel:+1-985-532-0291
+19855322086 +1 985-532-2086 (985) 532-2086 tel:+1-985-532-2086
+19855322187 +1 985-532-2187 (985) 532-2187 tel:+1-985-532-2187
+19855321304 +1 985-532-1304 (985) 532-1304 tel:+1-985-532-1304
+19855322027 +1 985-532-2027 (985) 532-2027 tel:+1-985-532-2027
+19855328062 +1 985-532-8062 (985) 532-8062 tel:+1-985-532-8062
+19855320130 +1 985-532-0130 (985) 532-0130 tel:+1-985-532-0130
+19855320991 +1 985-532-0991 (985) 532-0991 tel:+1-985-532-0991
+19855328606 +1 985-532-8606 (985) 532-8606 tel:+1-985-532-8606
+19855321727 +1 985-532-1727 (985) 532-1727 tel:+1-985-532-1727
+19855322083 +1 985-532-2083 (985) 532-2083 tel:+1-985-532-2083
+19855322162 +1 985-532-2162 (985) 532-2162 tel:+1-985-532-2162
+19855325637 +1 985-532-5637 (985) 532-5637 tel:+1-985-532-5637
+19855321629 +1 985-532-1629 (985) 532-1629 tel:+1-985-532-1629
+19855320947 +1 985-532-0947 (985) 532-0947 tel:+1-985-532-0947
+19855320296 +1 985-532-0296 (985) 532-0296 tel:+1-985-532-0296
+19855321093 +1 985-532-1093 (985) 532-1093 tel:+1-985-532-1093
+19855322396 +1 985-532-2396 (985) 532-2396 tel:+1-985-532-2396
+19855320934 +1 985-532-0934 (985) 532-0934 tel:+1-985-532-0934
+19855322614 +1 985-532-2614 (985) 532-2614 tel:+1-985-532-2614
+19855322624 +1 985-532-2624 (985) 532-2624 tel:+1-985-532-2624
+19855325200 +1 985-532-5200 (985) 532-5200 tel:+1-985-532-5200
+19855327390 +1 985-532-7390 (985) 532-7390 tel:+1-985-532-7390
+19855322374 +1 985-532-2374 (985) 532-2374 tel:+1-985-532-2374