Area code 34 (Uberlândia - MG)

Area code
Uberlândia - MG
Local time
Uberlândia - MG
Emergency phone number
Uberlândia - MG
Area: Uberlândia - MG
Area code: 034
Country Calling Code: +55
E.164 (Country Code): 55
Emergency phone number: 190
Capital: Brasília
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Brazilian Real (BRL)
Local Time: 10:46
Timezone: America/Araguaina
Population: 209 469 333
Land Area: 8 511 965 KM2

Area code 34 - Uberlândia - MG

Uberlândia - MG is located in Brazil and has area code 34. When calling a person or company located in Uberlândia - MG from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +5534 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Uberlândia - MG is 10:46.

Reported phone numbers in Uberlândia - MG

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+553421023400 +55 34 2102-3400 (34) 2102-3400 tel:+55-34-2102-3400
+553421024210 +55 34 2102-4210 (34) 2102-4210 tel:+55-34-2102-4210
+553421024233 +55 34 2102-4233 (34) 2102-4233 tel:+55-34-2102-4233
+553421024234 +55 34 2102-4234 (34) 2102-4234 tel:+55-34-2102-4234
+553421024235 +55 34 2102-4235 (34) 2102-4235 tel:+55-34-2102-4235
+553421024236 +55 34 2102-4236 (34) 2102-4236 tel:+55-34-2102-4236
+553421024350 +55 34 2102-4350 (34) 2102-4350 tel:+55-34-2102-4350
+553421024550 +55 34 2102-4550 (34) 2102-4550 tel:+55-34-2102-4550
+553421024650 +55 34 2102-4650 (34) 2102-4650 tel:+55-34-2102-4650
+553421026200 +55 34 2102-6200 (34) 2102-6200 tel:+55-34-2102-6200
+553430885000 +55 34 3088-5000 (34) 3088-5000 tel:+55-34-3088-5000
+553430887000 +55 34 3088-7000 (34) 3088-7000 tel:+55-34-3088-7000
+553430889100 +55 34 3088-9100 (34) 3088-9100 tel:+55-34-3088-9100
+553430889300 +55 34 3088-9300 (34) 3088-9300 tel:+55-34-3088-9300
+553431311300 +55 34 3131-1300 (34) 3131-1300 tel:+55-34-3131-1300
+553431316200 +55 34 3131-6200 (34) 3131-6200 tel:+55-34-3131-6200
+553433012000 +55 34 3301-2000 (34) 3301-2000 tel:+55-34-3301-2000
+553433014580 +55 34 3301-4580 (34) 3301-4580 tel:+55-34-3301-4580
+553433014650 +55 34 3301-4650 (34) 3301-4650 tel:+55-34-3301-4650
+553433014680 +55 34 3301-4680 (34) 3301-4680 tel:+55-34-3301-4680
+553433017450 +55 34 3301-7450 (34) 3301-7450 tel:+55-34-3301-7450
+553433017860 +55 34 3301-7860 (34) 3301-7860 tel:+55-34-3301-7860
+553433018280 +55 34 3301-8280 (34) 3301-8280 tel:+55-34-3301-8280
+553433018290 +55 34 3301-8290 (34) 3301-8290 tel:+55-34-3301-8290
+553433041450 +55 34 3304-1450 (34) 3304-1450 tel:+55-34-3304-1450
+553433041465 +55 34 3304-1465 (34) 3304-1465 tel:+55-34-3304-1465
+553433041470 +55 34 3304-1470 (34) 3304-1470 tel:+55-34-3304-1470
+553433041475 +55 34 3304-1475 (34) 3304-1475 tel:+55-34-3304-1475
+553433041565 +55 34 3304-1565 (34) 3304-1565 tel:+55-34-3304-1565
+553433041570 +55 34 3304-1570 (34) 3304-1570 tel:+55-34-3304-1570