Reported phone numbers in Albania (+355)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +355
E.164 (Country Code): 355
Emergency phone number: 129
Capital: Tirana
Language: Albanian
Valuta: Albania Lek (ALL)
Local Time: 15:22
Timezone: Europe/Tirane
Population: 2 986 952
Land Area: 28 748 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Albania without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Albania but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Albania / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +355 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Albania is 15:22.

Unspecified phone numbers from Albania

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Albania.

+355666182861 +355 66 618 2861 066 618 2861 tel:+355-66-618-2861
+355673274910 +355 67 327 4910 067 327 4910 tel:+355-67-327-4910
+355673274924 +355 67 327 4924 067 327 4924 tel:+355-67-327-4924
+355673274939 +355 67 327 4939 067 327 4939 tel:+355-67-327-4939
+355673274981 +355 67 327 4981 067 327 4981 tel:+355-67-327-4981
+355673274990 +355 67 327 4990 067 327 4990 tel:+355-67-327-4990
+355673283010 +355 67 328 3010 067 328 3010 tel:+355-67-328-3010
+355673283050 +355 67 328 3050 067 328 3050 tel:+355-67-328-3050
+355673283052 +355 67 328 3052 067 328 3052 tel:+355-67-328-3052
+355673283070 +355 67 328 3070 067 328 3070 tel:+355-67-328-3070
+355673283100 +355 67 328 3100 067 328 3100 tel:+355-67-328-3100
+355673283115 +355 67 328 3115 067 328 3115 tel:+355-67-328-3115
+355673283117 +355 67 328 3117 067 328 3117 tel:+355-67-328-3117
+355676058858 +355 67 605 8858 067 605 8858 tel:+355-67-605-8858
+355692004333 +355 69 200 4333 069 200 4333 tel:+355-69-200-4333
+355692005037 +355 69 200 5037 069 200 5037 tel:+355-69-200-5037
+355692005152 +355 69 200 5152 069 200 5152 tel:+355-69-200-5152
+355696792027 +355 69 679 2027 069 679 2027 tel:+355-69-679-2027
+355697703095 +355 69 770 3095 069 770 3095 tel:+355-69-770-3095
+355697774752 +355 69 777 4752 069 777 4752 tel:+355-69-777-4752
+355697774753 +355 69 777 4753 069 777 4753 tel:+355-69-777-4753
+355697774754 +355 69 777 4754 069 777 4754 tel:+355-69-777-4754
+355697774756 +355 69 777 4756 069 777 4756 tel:+355-69-777-4756
+355686472173 +355 68 647 2173 068 647 2173 tel:+355-68-647-2173
+355688357333 +355 68 835 7333 068 835 7333 tel:+355-68-835-7333
+355693280731 +355 69 328 0731 069 328 0731 tel:+355-69-328-0731
+355683949091 +355 68 394 9091 068 394 9091 tel:+355-68-394-9091
+355682954264 +355 68 295 4264 068 295 4264 tel:+355-68-295-4264
+355682159501 +355 68 215 9501 068 215 9501 tel:+355-68-215-9501
+355683370725 +355 68 337 0725 068 337 0725 tel:+355-68-337-0725