Reported phone numbers in Austria (+43)

Local time
Emergency phone number
112 or 133
Country Calling Code: +43
E.164 (Country Code): 43
Emergency phone number: 112 or 133
Capital: Vienna
Language: German
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:22
Timezone: Europe/Vienna
Population: 8 847 037
Land Area: 83 858 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Austria without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Austria but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Austria / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +43 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Austria is 03:22.

Unspecified phone numbers from Austria

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Austria.

+43228000 +43 228000 228000 tel:+43-228000
+43228151 +43 228151 228151 tel:+43-228151
+43435173780309 +43 4351 73780309 04351 73780309 tel:+43-4351-73780309
+436606080440 +43 660 6080440 0660 6080440 tel:+43-660-6080440
+436608142532 +43 660 8142532 0660 8142532 tel:+43-660-8142532
+436641912352 +43 664 1912352 0664 1912352 tel:+43-664-1912352
+436647982958 +43 664 7982958 0664 7982958 tel:+43-664-7982958
+43664802137979 +43 664 802137979 0664 802137979 tel:+43-664-802137979
+4366488613923 +43 664 88613923 0664 88613923 tel:+43-664-88613923
+436649515140 +43 664 9515140 0664 9515140 tel:+43-664-9515140
+43676800104602 +43 676 800104602 0676 800104602 tel:+43-676-800104602
+436769647827 +43 676 9647827 0676 9647827 tel:+43-676-9647827
+436765848649 +43 676 5848649 0676 5848649 tel:+43-676-5848649
+43434242323713 +43 4342 42323713 04342 42323713 tel:+43-4342-42323713
+436608319847 +43 660 8319847 0660 8319847 tel:+43-660-8319847
+435751407908 +43 57 5140 7908 057 5140 7908 tel:+43-57-5140-7908
+436642006355 +43 664 2006355 0664 2006355 tel:+43-664-2006355
+436641569989 +43 664 1569989 0664 1569989 tel:+43-664-1569989
+436769099641 +43 676 9099641 0676 9099641 tel:+43-676-9099641
+436766726155 +43 676 6726155 0676 6726155 tel:+43-676-6726155
+4367761695838 +43 677 61695838 0677 61695838 tel:+43-677-61695838
+436608526593 +43 660 8526593 0660 8526593 tel:+43-660-8526593