Reported phone numbers in Brazil (+5521)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +55
E.164 (Country Code): 55
Emergency phone number: 190
Capital: Brasília
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Brazilian Real (BRL)
Local Time: 09:51
Timezone: America/Araguaina
Population: 209 469 333
Land Area: 8 511 965 KM2

Details for calling Brazil

These reported phone numbers originate from Brazil but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Brazil / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +55 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Brazil is 09:51.

Unspecified phone numbers from Brazil

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Brazil.

+5521959160020 +55 21 95916-0020 (21) 95916-0020 tel:+55-21-95916-0020
+5521960104001 +55 21 96010-4001 (21) 96010-4001 tel:+55-21-96010-4001
+5521960104008 +55 21 96010-4008 (21) 96010-4008 tel:+55-21-96010-4008
+5521960104009 +55 21 96010-4009 (21) 96010-4009 tel:+55-21-96010-4009
+5521960104015 +55 21 96010-4015 (21) 96010-4015 tel:+55-21-96010-4015
+5521960104028 +55 21 96010-4028 (21) 96010-4028 tel:+55-21-96010-4028
+5521960104053 +55 21 96010-4053 (21) 96010-4053 tel:+55-21-96010-4053
+5521960104054 +55 21 96010-4054 (21) 96010-4054 tel:+55-21-96010-4054
+5521960104089 +55 21 96010-4089 (21) 96010-4089 tel:+55-21-96010-4089
+5521960104231 +55 21 96010-4231 (21) 96010-4231 tel:+55-21-96010-4231
+5521960104260 +55 21 96010-4260 (21) 96010-4260 tel:+55-21-96010-4260
+5521960104261 +55 21 96010-4261 (21) 96010-4261 tel:+55-21-96010-4261
+5521960104262 +55 21 96010-4262 (21) 96010-4262 tel:+55-21-96010-4262
+5521960104263 +55 21 96010-4263 (21) 96010-4263 tel:+55-21-96010-4263
+5521960104264 +55 21 96010-4264 (21) 96010-4264 tel:+55-21-96010-4264
+5521960104265 +55 21 96010-4265 (21) 96010-4265 tel:+55-21-96010-4265
+5521960104266 +55 21 96010-4266 (21) 96010-4266 tel:+55-21-96010-4266
+5521960104267 +55 21 96010-4267 (21) 96010-4267 tel:+55-21-96010-4267
+5521960104268 +55 21 96010-4268 (21) 96010-4268 tel:+55-21-96010-4268
+5521960104269 +55 21 96010-4269 (21) 96010-4269 tel:+55-21-96010-4269
+5521960105033 +55 21 96010-5033 (21) 96010-5033 tel:+55-21-96010-5033
+5521960105070 +55 21 96010-5070 (21) 96010-5070 tel:+55-21-96010-5070
+5521960105100 +55 21 96010-5100 (21) 96010-5100 tel:+55-21-96010-5100
+5521960105101 +55 21 96010-5101 (21) 96010-5101 tel:+55-21-96010-5101
+5521960105102 +55 21 96010-5102 (21) 96010-5102 tel:+55-21-96010-5102
+5521960105103 +55 21 96010-5103 (21) 96010-5103 tel:+55-21-96010-5103
+5521960105104 +55 21 96010-5104 (21) 96010-5104 tel:+55-21-96010-5104
+5521960105105 +55 21 96010-5105 (21) 96010-5105 tel:+55-21-96010-5105
+5521960105106 +55 21 96010-5106 (21) 96010-5106 tel:+55-21-96010-5106
+5521960105107 +55 21 96010-5107 (21) 96010-5107 tel:+55-21-96010-5107
+5521960105108 +55 21 96010-5108 (21) 96010-5108 tel:+55-21-96010-5108
+5521960105109 +55 21 96010-5109 (21) 96010-5109 tel:+55-21-96010-5109
+5521960105110 +55 21 96010-5110 (21) 96010-5110 tel:+55-21-96010-5110
+5521960105111 +55 21 96010-5111 (21) 96010-5111 tel:+55-21-96010-5111
+5521960105112 +55 21 96010-5112 (21) 96010-5112 tel:+55-21-96010-5112
+5521960105113 +55 21 96010-5113 (21) 96010-5113 tel:+55-21-96010-5113
+5521960105114 +55 21 96010-5114 (21) 96010-5114 tel:+55-21-96010-5114
+5521960105115 +55 21 96010-5115 (21) 96010-5115 tel:+55-21-96010-5115
+5521960105116 +55 21 96010-5116 (21) 96010-5116 tel:+55-21-96010-5116
+5521960105118 +55 21 96010-5118 (21) 96010-5118 tel:+55-21-96010-5118
+5521960105119 +55 21 96010-5119 (21) 96010-5119 tel:+55-21-96010-5119
+5521960105120 +55 21 96010-5120 (21) 96010-5120 tel:+55-21-96010-5120
+5521960105121 +55 21 96010-5121 (21) 96010-5121 tel:+55-21-96010-5121
+5521960105122 +55 21 96010-5122 (21) 96010-5122 tel:+55-21-96010-5122
+5521960105123 +55 21 96010-5123 (21) 96010-5123 tel:+55-21-96010-5123
+5521960105124 +55 21 96010-5124 (21) 96010-5124 tel:+55-21-96010-5124
+5521960105125 +55 21 96010-5125 (21) 96010-5125 tel:+55-21-96010-5125
+5521960105126 +55 21 96010-5126 (21) 96010-5126 tel:+55-21-96010-5126
+5521960105127 +55 21 96010-5127 (21) 96010-5127 tel:+55-21-96010-5127
+5521960105128 +55 21 96010-5128 (21) 96010-5128 tel:+55-21-96010-5128