Area code 11 (São Paulo - SP)

Area code
São Paulo - SP
Local time
São Paulo - SP
Emergency phone number
São Paulo - SP
Area: São Paulo - SP
Area code: 011
Country Calling Code: +55
E.164 (Country Code): 55
Emergency phone number: 190
Capital: Brasília
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Brazilian Real (BRL)
Local Time: 02:17
Timezone: America/Araguaina
Population: 209 469 333
Land Area: 8 511 965 KM2

Area code 11 - São Paulo - SP

São Paulo - SP is located in Brazil and has area code 11. When calling a person or company located in São Paulo - SP from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +5511 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in São Paulo - SP is 02:17.

Reported phone numbers in São Paulo - SP

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+551120003322 +55 11 2000-3322 (11) 2000-3322 tel:+55-11-2000-3322
+551120010000 +55 11 2001-0000 (11) 2001-0000 tel:+55-11-2001-0000
+551120010020 +55 11 2001-0020 (11) 2001-0020 tel:+55-11-2001-0020
+551120010025 +55 11 2001-0025 (11) 2001-0025 tel:+55-11-2001-0025
+551120010035 +55 11 2001-0035 (11) 2001-0035 tel:+55-11-2001-0035
+551120364100 +55 11 2036-4100 (11) 2036-4100 tel:+55-11-2036-4100
+551120390650 +55 11 2039-0650 (11) 2039-0650 tel:+55-11-2039-0650
+551120500700 +55 11 2050-0700 (11) 2050-0700 tel:+55-11-2050-0700
+551120766170 +55 11 2076-6170 (11) 2076-6170 tel:+55-11-2076-6170
+551120817600 +55 11 2081-7600 (11) 2081-7600 tel:+55-11-2081-7600
+551120896399 +55 11 2089-6399 (11) 2089-6399 tel:+55-11-2089-6399
+551120898700 +55 11 2089-8700 (11) 2089-8700 tel:+55-11-2089-8700
+551120902020 +55 11 2090-2020 (11) 2090-2020 tel:+55-11-2090-2020
+551121001200 +55 11 2100-1200 (11) 2100-1200 tel:+55-11-2100-1200
+551121001280 +55 11 2100-1280 (11) 2100-1280 tel:+55-11-2100-1280
+551121010400 +55 11 2101-0400 (11) 2101-0400 tel:+55-11-2101-0400
+551121010422 +55 11 2101-0422 (11) 2101-0422 tel:+55-11-2101-0422
+551121014150 +55 11 2101-4150 (11) 2101-4150 tel:+55-11-2101-4150
+551121022000 +55 11 2102-2000 (11) 2102-2000 tel:+55-11-2102-2000
+551121040011 +55 11 2104-0011 (11) 2104-0011 tel:+55-11-2104-0011
+551121040012 +55 11 2104-0012 (11) 2104-0012 tel:+55-11-2104-0012
+551121040013 +55 11 2104-0013 (11) 2104-0013 tel:+55-11-2104-0013
+551121040015 +55 11 2104-0015 (11) 2104-0015 tel:+55-11-2104-0015
+551121040016 +55 11 2104-0016 (11) 2104-0016 tel:+55-11-2104-0016
+551121040017 +55 11 2104-0017 (11) 2104-0017 tel:+55-11-2104-0017
+551121040907 +55 11 2104-0907 (11) 2104-0907 tel:+55-11-2104-0907
+551121040908 +55 11 2104-0908 (11) 2104-0908 tel:+55-11-2104-0908
+551121042828 +55 11 2104-2828 (11) 2104-2828 tel:+55-11-2104-2828
+551121050018 +55 11 2105-0018 (11) 2105-0018 tel:+55-11-2105-0018
+551121050019 +55 11 2105-0019 (11) 2105-0019 tel:+55-11-2105-0019
+551121050089 +55 11 2105-0089 (11) 2105-0089 tel:+55-11-2105-0089
+551121055355 +55 11 2105-5355 (11) 2105-5355 tel:+55-11-2105-5355
+551121067550 +55 11 2106-7550 (11) 2106-7550 tel:+55-11-2106-7550
+551121075000 +55 11 2107-5000 (11) 2107-5000 tel:+55-11-2107-5000
+551121080095 +55 11 2108-0095 (11) 2108-0095 tel:+55-11-2108-0095
+551121090012 +55 11 2109-0012 (11) 2109-0012 tel:+55-11-2109-0012
+551121130600 +55 11 2113-0600 (11) 2113-0600 tel:+55-11-2113-0600
+551121139400 +55 11 2113-9400 (11) 2113-9400 tel:+55-11-2113-9400
+551121170050 +55 11 2117-0050 (11) 2117-0050 tel:+55-11-2117-0050
+551121220083 +55 11 2122-0083 (11) 2122-0083 tel:+55-11-2122-0083
+551121240000 +55 11 2124-0000 (11) 2124-0000 tel:+55-11-2124-0000
+551121242830 +55 11 2124-2830 (11) 2124-2830 tel:+55-11-2124-2830
+551121256860 +55 11 2125-6860 (11) 2125-6860 tel:+55-11-2125-6860
+551121262799 +55 11 2126-2799 (11) 2126-2799 tel:+55-11-2126-2799
+551121280297 +55 11 2128-0297 (11) 2128-0297 tel:+55-11-2128-0297
+551121280350 +55 11 2128-0350 (11) 2128-0350 tel:+55-11-2128-0350
+551121280945 +55 11 2128-0945 (11) 2128-0945 tel:+55-11-2128-0945
+551121280946 +55 11 2128-0946 (11) 2128-0946 tel:+55-11-2128-0946
+551121280947 +55 11 2128-0947 (11) 2128-0947 tel:+55-11-2128-0947
+551121289500 +55 11 2128-9500 (11) 2128-9500 tel:+55-11-2128-9500