Area code 39 (Krum)
Area code
Local time
Emergency phone number
112 or 166
112 or 166
Area code 39 - Krum
Krum is located in Bulgaria and has area code 39. When calling a person or company located in Krum from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +35939 followed by the phone number.
Local time and other details
Local time in Krum is 06:38.
Krum - Postal numbers
Krum has 9 different postal numbers / zip numbers.Postal number | Municipality | County | Lon/Lat |
5080 | Крумчевци / Krumchevci | Велико Търново / Veliko Turnovo | 26.1167/42.9333 |
9149 | Крумово / Krumovo | Варна / Varna | 27.7833/43.4 |
9863 | Хан Крум / Khan Krum | Шумен / Shumen | 26.9/43.2 |
4112 | Крумово / Krumovo | Пловдив / Plovdiv | 24.8167/42.0833 |
6900 | Крумовград / Krumovgrad | Кърджали / Kurdzhali | 25.65/41.4667 |
2627 | Крумово / Krumovo | Кюстендил / Kjustendil | 23.0167/42.0667 |
8649 | Крумово / Krumovo | Ямбол / Jambol | 26.0167/42.4667 |
6438 | Крум / Krum | Хасково / Khaskovo | 25.5/42.05 |
8487 | Крумово градище / Krumovo gradis | Бургас / Burgas | 26.9333/42.6167 |