Area code 53 (Rish)
Area code
Local time
Emergency phone number
112 or 166
112 or 166
Area code 53 - Rish
Rish is located in Bulgaria and has area code 53. When calling a person or company located in Rish from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +35953 followed by the phone number.
Local time and other details
Local time in Rish is 06:34.
Rish - Postal numbers
Rish has 16 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal number | Municipality | County | Lon/Lat |
3354 | Манастирище / Manastirishhe | Враца / Vraca | 23.65/43.5667 |
9182 | Оборище / Oborishhe | Варна / Varna | 27.6667/43.45 |
6193 | Дворище / Dvorishhe | Стара Загора / Stara Zagora | 25.7167/42.6667 |
6050 | Хрищени / Khrishheni | Стара Загора / Stara Zagora | 25.7/42.45 |
8899 | Сборище / Sborishhe | Сливен / Sliven | 25.9667/42.6833 |
9809 | Ветрище / Vetrishhe | Шумен / Shumen | 27.0333/43.1833 |
9830 | Риш / Rish | Шумен / Shumen | 26.9167/42.9833 |
2256 | Манастирище / Manastirishhe | София / Sofija | 23.1428/43.0042 |
2227 | Божурище / Bozhurishhe | София / Sofija | 23.2/42.75 |
2450 | Сирищник / Sirishhnik | Перник / Pernik | 22.8169/42.5508 |
4522 | Оборище / Oborishhe | Пазарджик / Pazardzhik | 24.0833/42.5167 |
4500 | Панагюрище / Panagjurishhe | Пазарджик / Pazardzhik | 24.1833/42.5 |
4408 | Мокрище / Mokrishhe | Пазарджик / Pazardzhik | 24.2833/42.1833 |
2537 | Катрище / Katrishhe | Кюстендил / Kjustendil | 22.8333/42.2833 |
2541 | Дворище / Dvorishhe | Кюстендил / Kjustendil | 22.7508/42.3383 |
8116 | Изворище / Izvorishhe | Бургас / Burgas | 27.45/42.65 |