Reported phone numbers in Canada (+1215)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Ottawa
Language: English
Valuta: Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Local Time: 07:58
Timezone: America/Atikokan
Population: 37 058 856
Land Area: 9 984 670 KM2

Details for calling Canada

These reported phone numbers originate from Canada but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Canada / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +1 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Canada is 07:58.

Unspecified phone numbers from Canada

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Canada.

+12156480794 +1 215-648-0794 (215) 648-0794 tel:+1-215-648-0794
+12156543606 +1 215-654-3606 (215) 654-3606 tel:+1-215-654-3606
+12157923294 +1 215-792-3294 (215) 792-3294 tel:+1-215-792-3294
+12152568592 +1 215-256-8592 (215) 256-8592 tel:+1-215-256-8592
+12153005134 +1 215-300-5134 (215) 300-5134 tel:+1-215-300-5134
+12153963326 +1 215-396-3326 (215) 396-3326 tel:+1-215-396-3326
+12154363209 +1 215-436-3209 (215) 436-3209 tel:+1-215-436-3209
+12155697059 +1 215-569-7059 (215) 569-7059 tel:+1-215-569-7059
+12155770353 +1 215-577-0353 (215) 577-0353 tel:+1-215-577-0353
+12159937317 +1 215-993-7317 (215) 993-7317 tel:+1-215-993-7317
+12152775857 +1 215-277-5857 (215) 277-5857 tel:+1-215-277-5857
+12157523419 +1 215-752-3419 (215) 752-3419 tel:+1-215-752-3419
+12156870821 +1 215-687-0821 (215) 687-0821 tel:+1-215-687-0821
+12153599185 +1 215-359-9185 (215) 359-9185 tel:+1-215-359-9185
+12153088432 +1 215-308-8432 (215) 308-8432 tel:+1-215-308-8432
+12156866972 +1 215-686-6972 (215) 686-6972 tel:+1-215-686-6972
+12156085313 +1 215-608-5313 (215) 608-5313 tel:+1-215-608-5313
+12155698280 +1 215-569-8280 (215) 569-8280 tel:+1-215-569-8280
+12152582682 +1 215-258-2682 (215) 258-2682 tel:+1-215-258-2682
+12152533027 +1 215-253-3027 (215) 253-3027 tel:+1-215-253-3027
+12153051569 +1 215-305-1569 (215) 305-1569 tel:+1-215-305-1569
+12156310415 +1 215-631-0415 (215) 631-0415 tel:+1-215-631-0415
+12156669580 +1 215-666-9580 (215) 666-9580 tel:+1-215-666-9580
+12153226438 +1 215-322-6438 (215) 322-6438 tel:+1-215-322-6438
+12155135542 +1 215-513-5542 (215) 513-5542 tel:+1-215-513-5542
+12152568597 +1 215-256-8597 (215) 256-8597 tel:+1-215-256-8597
+12152962877 +1 215-296-2877 (215) 296-2877 tel:+1-215-296-2877
+12155136901 +1 215-513-6901 (215) 513-6901 tel:+1-215-513-6901
+12155873016 +1 215-587-3016 (215) 587-3016 tel:+1-215-587-3016
+12154745394 +1 215-474-5394 (215) 474-5394 tel:+1-215-474-5394
+12156053485 +1 215-605-3485 (215) 605-3485 tel:+1-215-605-3485
+12158589669 +1 215-858-9669 (215) 858-9669 tel:+1-215-858-9669
+1215694850 +1 215694850 215694850 tel:+1-215694850
+12158350320 +1 215-835-0320 (215) 835-0320 tel:+1-215-835-0320
+12158583312 +1 215-858-3312 (215) 858-3312 tel:+1-215-858-3312
+12156484637 +1 215-648-4637 (215) 648-4637 tel:+1-215-648-4637
+12156591824 +1 215-659-1824 (215) 659-1824 tel:+1-215-659-1824
+12152320768 +1 215-232-0768 (215) 232-0768 tel:+1-215-232-0768
+12158598202 +1 215-859-8202 (215) 859-8202 tel:+1-215-859-8202
+12152755389 +1 215-275-5389 (215) 275-5389 tel:+1-215-275-5389
+12158598196 +1 215-859-8196 (215) 859-8196 tel:+1-215-859-8196
+12156613797 +1 215-661-3797 (215) 661-3797 tel:+1-215-661-3797
+12155109321 +1 215-510-9321 (215) 510-9321 tel:+1-215-510-9321
+12153696158 +1 215-369-6158 (215) 369-6158 tel:+1-215-369-6158
+12157759493 +1 215-775-9493 (215) 775-9493 tel:+1-215-775-9493
+12159438165 +1 215-943-8165 (215) 943-8165 tel:+1-215-943-8165
+12153052893 +1 215-305-2893 (215) 305-2893 tel:+1-215-305-2893
+12153963322 +1 215-396-3322 (215) 396-3322 tel:+1-215-396-3322
+12155103774 +1 215-510-3774 (215) 510-3774 tel:+1-215-510-3774
+12156660117 +1 215-666-0117 (215) 666-0117 tel:+1-215-666-0117