Reported phone numbers in Canada (+1602)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Ottawa
Language: English
Valuta: Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Local Time: 04:08
Timezone: America/Atikokan
Population: 37 058 856
Land Area: 9 984 670 KM2

Details for calling Canada

These reported phone numbers originate from Canada but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Canada / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +1 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Canada is 04:08.

Unspecified phone numbers from Canada

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Canada.

+16022000234 +1 602-200-0234 (602) 200-0234 tel:+1-602-200-0234
+16022001100 +1 602-200-1100 (602) 200-1100 tel:+1-602-200-1100
+16022001114 +1 602-200-1114 (602) 200-1114 tel:+1-602-200-1114
+16026012531 +1 602-601-2531 (602) 601-2531 tel:+1-602-601-2531
+16022000369 +1 602-200-0369 (602) 200-0369 tel:+1-602-200-0369
+16022001013 +1 602-200-1013 (602) 200-1013 tel:+1-602-200-1013
+16022000035 +1 602-200-0035 (602) 200-0035 tel:+1-602-200-0035
+16022000839 +1 602-200-0839 (602) 200-0839 tel:+1-602-200-0839
+16022001262 +1 602-200-1262 (602) 200-1262 tel:+1-602-200-1262
+16022001189 +1 602-200-1189 (602) 200-1189 tel:+1-602-200-1189
+16022000378 +1 602-200-0378 (602) 200-0378 tel:+1-602-200-0378
+16022001105 +1 602-200-1105 (602) 200-1105 tel:+1-602-200-1105
+16022001277 +1 602-200-1277 (602) 200-1277 tel:+1-602-200-1277
+16022001247 +1 602-200-1247 (602) 200-1247 tel:+1-602-200-1247
+16022000348 +1 602-200-0348 (602) 200-0348 tel:+1-602-200-0348
+16022000543 +1 602-200-0543 (602) 200-0543 tel:+1-602-200-0543
+16022000815 +1 602-200-0815 (602) 200-0815 tel:+1-602-200-0815
+16022001080 +1 602-200-1080 (602) 200-1080 tel:+1-602-200-1080
+16022000321 +1 602-200-0321 (602) 200-0321 tel:+1-602-200-0321
+16022001222 +1 602-200-1222 (602) 200-1222 tel:+1-602-200-1222
+16022001075 +1 602-200-1075 (602) 200-1075 tel:+1-602-200-1075
+16026012509 +1 602-601-2509 (602) 601-2509 tel:+1-602-601-2509
+16022000138 +1 602-200-0138 (602) 200-0138 tel:+1-602-200-0138
+16022000508 +1 602-200-0508 (602) 200-0508 tel:+1-602-200-0508
+16022000849 +1 602-200-0849 (602) 200-0849 tel:+1-602-200-0849
+16022000276 +1 602-200-0276 (602) 200-0276 tel:+1-602-200-0276
+16022000970 +1 602-200-0970 (602) 200-0970 tel:+1-602-200-0970
+16022001209 +1 602-200-1209 (602) 200-1209 tel:+1-602-200-1209
+16022000020 +1 602-200-0020 (602) 200-0020 tel:+1-602-200-0020
+16022000862 +1 602-200-0862 (602) 200-0862 tel:+1-602-200-0862
+16022000863 +1 602-200-0863 (602) 200-0863 tel:+1-602-200-0863
+16022001077 +1 602-200-1077 (602) 200-1077 tel:+1-602-200-1077
+16022000808 +1 602-200-0808 (602) 200-0808 tel:+1-602-200-0808
+16022001104 +1 602-200-1104 (602) 200-1104 tel:+1-602-200-1104
+16022001083 +1 602-200-1083 (602) 200-1083 tel:+1-602-200-1083
+16022000208 +1 602-200-0208 (602) 200-0208 tel:+1-602-200-0208
+16022001265 +1 602-200-1265 (602) 200-1265 tel:+1-602-200-1265
+16022000023 +1 602-200-0023 (602) 200-0023 tel:+1-602-200-0023
+16022000045 +1 602-200-0045 (602) 200-0045 tel:+1-602-200-0045
+16022000337 +1 602-200-0337 (602) 200-0337 tel:+1-602-200-0337
+16022001279 +1 602-200-1279 (602) 200-1279 tel:+1-602-200-1279
+16022001101 +1 602-200-1101 (602) 200-1101 tel:+1-602-200-1101
+16022000851 +1 602-200-0851 (602) 200-0851 tel:+1-602-200-0851
+16022000113 +1 602-200-0113 (602) 200-0113 tel:+1-602-200-0113
+16026012534 +1 602-601-2534 (602) 601-2534 tel:+1-602-601-2534
+16022000309 +1 602-200-0309 (602) 200-0309 tel:+1-602-200-0309
+16022001129 +1 602-200-1129 (602) 200-1129 tel:+1-602-200-1129
+16022001180 +1 602-200-1180 (602) 200-1180 tel:+1-602-200-1180
+16022001253 +1 602-200-1253 (602) 200-1253 tel:+1-602-200-1253
+16022001256 +1 602-200-1256 (602) 200-1256 tel:+1-602-200-1256