Reported phone numbers in Canada (+1918)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Ottawa
Language: English
Valuta: Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Local Time: 15:23
Timezone: America/Atikokan
Population: 37 058 856
Land Area: 9 984 670 KM2

Details for calling Canada

These reported phone numbers originate from Canada but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Canada / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +1 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Canada is 15:23.

Unspecified phone numbers from Canada

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Canada.

+19185817657 +1 918-581-7657 (918) 581-7657 tel:+1-918-581-7657
+19183229786 +1 918-322-9786 (918) 322-9786 tel:+1-918-322-9786
+19184629735 +1 918-462-9735 (918) 462-9735 tel:+1-918-462-9735
+19182754433 +1 918-275-4433 (918) 275-4433 tel:+1-918-275-4433
+19182765077 +1 918-276-5077 (918) 276-5077 tel:+1-918-276-5077
+19183353072 +1 918-335-3072 (918) 335-3072 tel:+1-918-335-3072
+19183871073 +1 918-387-1073 (918) 387-1073 tel:+1-918-387-1073
+19184416075 +1 918-441-6075 (918) 441-6075 tel:+1-918-441-6075
+19184433951 +1 918-443-3951 (918) 443-3951 tel:+1-918-443-3951
+19184475182 +1 918-447-5182 (918) 447-5182 tel:+1-918-447-5182
+19184541297 +1 918-454-1297 (918) 454-1297 tel:+1-918-454-1297
+19186313267 +1 918-631-3267 (918) 631-3267 tel:+1-918-631-3267
+19186703531 +1 918-670-3531 (918) 670-3531 tel:+1-918-670-3531
+19182014687 +1 918-201-4687 (918) 201-4687 tel:+1-918-201-4687
+19182435936 +1 918-243-5936 (918) 243-5936 tel:+1-918-243-5936
+19182438227 +1 918-243-8227 (918) 243-8227 tel:+1-918-243-8227
+19182438618 +1 918-243-8618 (918) 243-8618 tel:+1-918-243-8618
+19182752198 +1 918-275-2198 (918) 275-2198 tel:+1-918-275-2198
+19182753754 +1 918-275-3754 (918) 275-3754 tel:+1-918-275-3754
+19182754564 +1 918-275-4564 (918) 275-4564 tel:+1-918-275-4564
+19183189237 +1 918-318-9237 (918) 318-9237 tel:+1-918-318-9237
+19183272591 +1 918-327-2591 (918) 327-2591 tel:+1-918-327-2591
+19184465992 +1 918-446-5992 (918) 446-5992 tel:+1-918-446-5992
+19184493938 +1 918-449-3938 (918) 449-3938 tel:+1-918-449-3938
+19185074104 +1 918-507-4104 (918) 507-4104 tel:+1-918-507-4104
+19186319512 +1 918-631-9512 (918) 631-9512 tel:+1-918-631-9512
+19186812585 +1 918-681-2585 (918) 681-2585 tel:+1-918-681-2585
+19182157598 +1 918-215-7598 (918) 215-7598 tel:+1-918-215-7598
+19182157622 +1 918-215-7622 (918) 215-7622 tel:+1-918-215-7622
+19182185991 +1 918-218-5991 (918) 218-5991 tel:+1-918-218-5991
+19183737529 +1 918-373-7529 (918) 373-7529 tel:+1-918-373-7529
+19184272159 +1 918-427-2159 (918) 427-2159 tel:+1-918-427-2159
+19185356256 +1 918-535-6256 (918) 535-6256 tel:+1-918-535-6256
+19186481352 +1 918-648-1352 (918) 648-1352 tel:+1-918-648-1352
+19186586361 +1 918-658-6361 (918) 658-6361 tel:+1-918-658-6361
+19182018098 +1 918-201-8098 (918) 201-8098 tel:+1-918-201-8098
+19182426692 +1 918-242-6692 (918) 242-6692 tel:+1-918-242-6692
+19182752664 +1 918-275-2664 (918) 275-2664 tel:+1-918-275-2664
+19183387779 +1 918-338-7779 (918) 338-7779 tel:+1-918-338-7779
+19183507157 +1 918-350-7157 (918) 350-7157 tel:+1-918-350-7157
+19183879922 +1 918-387-9922 (918) 387-9922 tel:+1-918-387-9922
+19184235649 +1 918-423-5649 (918) 423-5649 tel:+1-918-423-5649
+19184495093 +1 918-449-5093 (918) 449-5093 tel:+1-918-449-5093
+19184543576 +1 918-454-3576 (918) 454-3576 tel:+1-918-454-3576
+19184782273 +1 918-478-2273 (918) 478-2273 tel:+1-918-478-2273
+19184887676 +1 918-488-7676 (918) 488-7676 tel:+1-918-488-7676
+19184992446 +1 918-499-2446 (918) 499-2446 tel:+1-918-499-2446
+19185385333 +1 918-538-5333 (918) 538-5333 tel:+1-918-538-5333
+19186585438 +1 918-658-5438 (918) 658-5438 tel:+1-918-658-5438
+19182162664 +1 918-216-2664 (918) 216-2664 tel:+1-918-216-2664