Area code 140 (Calgary, AB)

Area code
Calgary, AB
Local time
Calgary, AB
Emergency phone number
Calgary, AB
Area: Calgary, AB
Area code: 0140
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Ottawa
Language: English
Valuta: Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Local Time: 15:07
Timezone: America/Atikokan
Population: 37 058 856
Land Area: 9 984 670 KM2

Area code 140 - Calgary, AB

Calgary, AB is located in Canada and has area code 140. When calling a person or company located in Calgary, AB from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1140 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Calgary, AB is 15:07.

Reported phone numbers in Calgary, AB

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+14032001068 +1 403-200-1068 (403) 200-1068 tel:+1-403-200-1068
+14032007225 +1 403-200-7225 (403) 200-7225 tel:+1-403-200-7225
+14032035468 +1 403-203-5468 (403) 203-5468 tel:+1-403-203-5468
+14032000044 +1 403-200-0044 (403) 200-0044 tel:+1-403-200-0044
+14032001057 +1 403-200-1057 (403) 200-1057 tel:+1-403-200-1057
+14032007368 +1 403-200-7368 (403) 200-7368 tel:+1-403-200-7368
+14032024851 +1 403-202-4851 (403) 202-4851 tel:+1-403-202-4851
+14032000180 +1 403-200-0180 (403) 200-0180 tel:+1-403-200-0180
+14032000381 +1 403-200-0381 (403) 200-0381 tel:+1-403-200-0381
+14032000673 +1 403-200-0673 (403) 200-0673 tel:+1-403-200-0673
+14032000710 +1 403-200-0710 (403) 200-0710 tel:+1-403-200-0710
+14032000831 +1 403-200-0831 (403) 200-0831 tel:+1-403-200-0831
+14032000941 +1 403-200-0941 (403) 200-0941 tel:+1-403-200-0941
+14032007134 +1 403-200-7134 (403) 200-7134 tel:+1-403-200-7134
+14032007191 +1 403-200-7191 (403) 200-7191 tel:+1-403-200-7191
+14032000540 +1 403-200-0540 (403) 200-0540 tel:+1-403-200-0540
+14032000685 +1 403-200-0685 (403) 200-0685 tel:+1-403-200-0685
+14032000888 +1 403-200-0888 (403) 200-0888 tel:+1-403-200-0888
+14032001092 +1 403-200-1092 (403) 200-1092 tel:+1-403-200-1092
+14032000617 +1 403-200-0617 (403) 200-0617 tel:+1-403-200-0617
+14032035211 +1 403-203-5211 (403) 203-5211 tel:+1-403-203-5211
+14032007249 +1 403-200-7249 (403) 200-7249 tel:+1-403-200-7249
+14032024866 +1 403-202-4866 (403) 202-4866 tel:+1-403-202-4866
+14032000644 +1 403-200-0644 (403) 200-0644 tel:+1-403-200-0644
+14032001130 +1 403-200-1130 (403) 200-1130 tel:+1-403-200-1130
+14032007185 +1 403-200-7185 (403) 200-7185 tel:+1-403-200-7185
+14032024978 +1 403-202-4978 (403) 202-4978 tel:+1-403-202-4978
+14032007165 +1 403-200-7165 (403) 200-7165 tel:+1-403-200-7165
+14032000427 +1 403-200-0427 (403) 200-0427 tel:+1-403-200-0427
+14032000763 +1 403-200-0763 (403) 200-0763 tel:+1-403-200-0763
+14032035389 +1 403-203-5389 (403) 203-5389 tel:+1-403-203-5389
+14032000184 +1 403-200-0184 (403) 200-0184 tel:+1-403-200-0184
+14032000406 +1 403-200-0406 (403) 200-0406 tel:+1-403-200-0406
+14032000646 +1 403-200-0646 (403) 200-0646 tel:+1-403-200-0646
+14032000670 +1 403-200-0670 (403) 200-0670 tel:+1-403-200-0670
+14032001105 +1 403-200-1105 (403) 200-1105 tel:+1-403-200-1105
+14032000005 +1 403-200-0005 (403) 200-0005 tel:+1-403-200-0005
+14032000311 +1 403-200-0311 (403) 200-0311 tel:+1-403-200-0311
+14032000861 +1 403-200-0861 (403) 200-0861 tel:+1-403-200-0861
+14032001079 +1 403-200-1079 (403) 200-1079 tel:+1-403-200-1079
+14032024862 +1 403-202-4862 (403) 202-4862 tel:+1-403-202-4862
+14032035107 +1 403-203-5107 (403) 203-5107 tel:+1-403-203-5107
+14032025119 +1 403-202-5119 (403) 202-5119 tel:+1-403-202-5119
+14032024961 +1 403-202-4961 (403) 202-4961 tel:+1-403-202-4961
+14032025044 +1 403-202-5044 (403) 202-5044 tel:+1-403-202-5044
+14032006915 +1 403-200-6915 (403) 200-6915 tel:+1-403-200-6915
+14032007240 +1 403-200-7240 (403) 200-7240 tel:+1-403-200-7240
+14032024891 +1 403-202-4891 (403) 202-4891 tel:+1-403-202-4891
+14032000354 +1 403-200-0354 (403) 200-0354 tel:+1-403-200-0354
+14032000651 +1 403-200-0651 (403) 200-0651 tel:+1-403-200-0651