Area code 5 (Damietta)

Area code
Local time
Emergency phone number
Area: Damietta
Area code: 005
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Ottawa
Language: English
Valuta: Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Local Time: 14:31
Timezone: America/Atikokan
Population: 37 058 856
Land Area: 9 984 670 KM2

Area code 5 - Damietta

Damietta is located in Canada and has area code 5. When calling a person or company located in Damietta from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +15 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Damietta is 14:31.

Reported phone numbers in Damietta

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+2057770469 +20 57 770469 057 770469 tel:+20-57-770469
+2057838700 +20 57 838700 057 838700 tel:+20-57-838700
+2057370321 +20 57 370321 057 370321 tel:+20-57-370321
+2057941682 +20 57 941682 057 941682 tel:+20-57-941682
+2057998726 +20 57 998726 057 998726 tel:+20-57-998726
+2057770340 +20 57 770340 057 770340 tel:+20-57-770340
+2057993147 +20 57 993147 057 993147 tel:+20-57-993147
+2057053386 +20 57 053386 057 053386 tel:+20-57-053386
+2057074519 +20 57 074519 057 074519 tel:+20-57-074519
+2057874768 +20 57 874768 057 874768 tel:+20-57-874768
+2057601860 +20 57 601860 057 601860 tel:+20-57-601860
+2057124517 +20 57 124517 057 124517 tel:+20-57-124517
+2057691588 +20 57 691588 057 691588 tel:+20-57-691588
+2057856439 +20 57 856439 057 856439 tel:+20-57-856439
+2057375053 +20 57 375053 057 375053 tel:+20-57-375053
+2057067912 +20 57 067912 057 067912 tel:+20-57-067912
+2057691592 +20 57 691592 057 691592 tel:+20-57-691592
+2057776676 +20 57 776676 057 776676 tel:+20-57-776676
+2057808101 +20 57 808101 057 808101 tel:+20-57-808101
+2057742841 +20 57 742841 057 742841 tel:+20-57-742841
+2057694337 +20 57 694337 057 694337 tel:+20-57-694337
+2057704903 +20 57 704903 057 704903 tel:+20-57-704903
+2057673538 +20 57 673538 057 673538 tel:+20-57-673538
+2057770467 +20 57 770467 057 770467 tel:+20-57-770467
+2057375694 +20 57 375694 057 375694 tel:+20-57-375694
+2057434701 +20 57 434701 057 434701 tel:+20-57-434701
+2057742835 +20 57 742835 057 742835 tel:+20-57-742835
+2057074424 +20 57 074424 057 074424 tel:+20-57-074424
+2057999104 +20 57 999104 057 999104 tel:+20-57-999104
+2057078857 +20 57 078857 057 078857 tel:+20-57-078857
+2057635455 +20 57 635455 057 635455 tel:+20-57-635455
+2057945421 +20 57 945421 057 945421 tel:+20-57-945421
+2057941679 +20 57 941679 057 941679 tel:+20-57-941679
+2057124523 +20 57 124523 057 124523 tel:+20-57-124523
+2057945424 +20 57 945424 057 945424 tel:+20-57-945424