Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 12:28
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 12:28.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573204437607 +57 320 4437607 320 4437607 tel:+57-320-4437607
+573204457183 +57 320 4457183 320 4457183 tel:+57-320-4457183
+573204479026 +57 320 4479026 320 4479026 tel:+57-320-4479026
+573204850003 +57 320 4850003 320 4850003 tel:+57-320-4850003
+573204850017 +57 320 4850017 320 4850017 tel:+57-320-4850017
+573204882530 +57 320 4882530 320 4882530 tel:+57-320-4882530
+573204927600 +57 320 4927600 320 4927600 tel:+57-320-4927600
+573207183323 +57 320 7183323 320 7183323 tel:+57-320-7183323
+573208000628 +57 320 8000628 320 8000628 tel:+57-320-8000628
+573208173323 +57 320 8173323 320 8173323 tel:+57-320-8173323
+573208382027 +57 320 8382027 320 8382027 tel:+57-320-8382027
+573208448690 +57 320 8448690 320 8448690 tel:+57-320-8448690
+573208448867 +57 320 8448867 320 8448867 tel:+57-320-8448867
+573208450079 +57 320 8450079 320 8450079 tel:+57-320-8450079
+573208452511 +57 320 8452511 320 8452511 tel:+57-320-8452511
+573208453889 +57 320 8453889 320 8453889 tel:+57-320-8453889
+573208455074 +57 320 8455074 320 8455074 tel:+57-320-8455074
+573208455357 +57 320 8455357 320 8455357 tel:+57-320-8455357
+573208460804 +57 320 8460804 320 8460804 tel:+57-320-8460804
+573208463805 +57 320 8463805 320 8463805 tel:+57-320-8463805
+573208464581 +57 320 8464581 320 8464581 tel:+57-320-8464581
+573208464898 +57 320 8464898 320 8464898 tel:+57-320-8464898
+573208474793 +57 320 8474793 320 8474793 tel:+57-320-8474793
+573208475875 +57 320 8475875 320 8475875 tel:+57-320-8475875
+573208476695 +57 320 8476695 320 8476695 tel:+57-320-8476695
+573208476733 +57 320 8476733 320 8476733 tel:+57-320-8476733
+573208478023 +57 320 8478023 320 8478023 tel:+57-320-8478023
+573208479646 +57 320 8479646 320 8479646 tel:+57-320-8479646
+573208479648 +57 320 8479648 320 8479648 tel:+57-320-8479648
+573208480232 +57 320 8480232 320 8480232 tel:+57-320-8480232
+573208480243 +57 320 8480243 320 8480243 tel:+57-320-8480243
+573208480349 +57 320 8480349 320 8480349 tel:+57-320-8480349
+573208480766 +57 320 8480766 320 8480766 tel:+57-320-8480766
+573208481748 +57 320 8481748 320 8481748 tel:+57-320-8481748
+573208488810 +57 320 8488810 320 8488810 tel:+57-320-8488810
+573208489160 +57 320 8489160 320 8489160 tel:+57-320-8489160
+573208491682 +57 320 8491682 320 8491682 tel:+57-320-8491682
+573208492409 +57 320 8492409 320 8492409 tel:+57-320-8492409
+573208492721 +57 320 8492721 320 8492721 tel:+57-320-8492721
+573208494874 +57 320 8494874 320 8494874 tel:+57-320-8494874
+573208494952 +57 320 8494952 320 8494952 tel:+57-320-8494952
+573208496324 +57 320 8496324 320 8496324 tel:+57-320-8496324
+573208503842 +57 320 8503842 320 8503842 tel:+57-320-8503842
+573208505242 +57 320 8505242 320 8505242 tel:+57-320-8505242
+573208507458 +57 320 8507458 320 8507458 tel:+57-320-8507458
+573208597222 +57 320 8597222 320 8597222 tel:+57-320-8597222
+573208899508 +57 320 8899508 320 8899508 tel:+57-320-8899508
+573208899723 +57 320 8899723 320 8899723 tel:+57-320-8899723
+573208899724 +57 320 8899724 320 8899724 tel:+57-320-8899724
+573208899725 +57 320 8899725 320 8899725 tel:+57-320-8899725