Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 05:04
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 05:04.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573003870127 +57 300 3870127 300 3870127 tel:+57-300-3870127
+573003870132 +57 300 3870132 300 3870132 tel:+57-300-3870132
+573003870135 +57 300 3870135 300 3870135 tel:+57-300-3870135
+573003870136 +57 300 3870136 300 3870136 tel:+57-300-3870136
+573003870137 +57 300 3870137 300 3870137 tel:+57-300-3870137
+573003870138 +57 300 3870138 300 3870138 tel:+57-300-3870138
+573003870139 +57 300 3870139 300 3870139 tel:+57-300-3870139
+573003870140 +57 300 3870140 300 3870140 tel:+57-300-3870140
+573003870141 +57 300 3870141 300 3870141 tel:+57-300-3870141
+573003870142 +57 300 3870142 300 3870142 tel:+57-300-3870142
+573003870145 +57 300 3870145 300 3870145 tel:+57-300-3870145
+573003870184 +57 300 3870184 300 3870184 tel:+57-300-3870184
+573003870197 +57 300 3870197 300 3870197 tel:+57-300-3870197
+573003870207 +57 300 3870207 300 3870207 tel:+57-300-3870207
+573003870208 +57 300 3870208 300 3870208 tel:+57-300-3870208
+573003870215 +57 300 3870215 300 3870215 tel:+57-300-3870215
+573003899469 +57 300 3899469 300 3899469 tel:+57-300-3899469
+573003900279 +57 300 3900279 300 3900279 tel:+57-300-3900279
+573003900407 +57 300 3900407 300 3900407 tel:+57-300-3900407
+573003917108 +57 300 3917108 300 3917108 tel:+57-300-3917108
+573003925954 +57 300 3925954 300 3925954 tel:+57-300-3925954
+573003958824 +57 300 3958824 300 3958824 tel:+57-300-3958824
+573003996651 +57 300 3996651 300 3996651 tel:+57-300-3996651
+573004059332 +57 300 4059332 300 4059332 tel:+57-300-4059332
+573004242864 +57 300 4242864 300 4242864 tel:+57-300-4242864
+573004247314 +57 300 4247314 300 4247314 tel:+57-300-4247314
+573004251183 +57 300 4251183 300 4251183 tel:+57-300-4251183
+573004258687 +57 300 4258687 300 4258687 tel:+57-300-4258687
+573004335109 +57 300 4335109 300 4335109 tel:+57-300-4335109
+573004348930 +57 300 4348930 300 4348930 tel:+57-300-4348930
+573004349100 +57 300 4349100 300 4349100 tel:+57-300-4349100
+573004349861 +57 300 4349861 300 4349861 tel:+57-300-4349861
+573004351549 +57 300 4351549 300 4351549 tel:+57-300-4351549
+573004351986 +57 300 4351986 300 4351986 tel:+57-300-4351986
+573004352540 +57 300 4352540 300 4352540 tel:+57-300-4352540
+573004352668 +57 300 4352668 300 4352668 tel:+57-300-4352668
+573004355708 +57 300 4355708 300 4355708 tel:+57-300-4355708
+573004358177 +57 300 4358177 300 4358177 tel:+57-300-4358177
+573004358225 +57 300 4358225 300 4358225 tel:+57-300-4358225
+573004358929 +57 300 4358929 300 4358929 tel:+57-300-4358929
+573004359162 +57 300 4359162 300 4359162 tel:+57-300-4359162
+573004359451 +57 300 4359451 300 4359451 tel:+57-300-4359451
+573004359458 +57 300 4359458 300 4359458 tel:+57-300-4359458
+573004379928 +57 300 4379928 300 4379928 tel:+57-300-4379928
+573004410712 +57 300 4410712 300 4410712 tel:+57-300-4410712
+573004411889 +57 300 4411889 300 4411889 tel:+57-300-4411889
+573004428414 +57 300 4428414 300 4428414 tel:+57-300-4428414
+573004455314 +57 300 4455314 300 4455314 tel:+57-300-4455314
+573004695306 +57 300 4695306 300 4695306 tel:+57-300-4695306
+573004699885 +57 300 4699885 300 4699885 tel:+57-300-4699885