Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 14:41
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 14:41.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573008144161 +57 300 8144161 300 8144161 tel:+57-300-8144161
+573008148149 +57 300 8148149 300 8148149 tel:+57-300-8148149
+573008151012 +57 300 8151012 300 8151012 tel:+57-300-8151012
+573008419213 +57 300 8419213 300 8419213 tel:+57-300-8419213
+573008419901 +57 300 8419901 300 8419901 tel:+57-300-8419901
+573008420299 +57 300 8420299 300 8420299 tel:+57-300-8420299
+573008420491 +57 300 8420491 300 8420491 tel:+57-300-8420491
+573008420939 +57 300 8420939 300 8420939 tel:+57-300-8420939
+573008446345 +57 300 8446345 300 8446345 tel:+57-300-8446345
+573008455580 +57 300 8455580 300 8455580 tel:+57-300-8455580
+573008529977 +57 300 8529977 300 8529977 tel:+57-300-8529977
+573008540531 +57 300 8540531 300 8540531 tel:+57-300-8540531
+573008565664 +57 300 8565664 300 8565664 tel:+57-300-8565664
+573008617871 +57 300 8617871 300 8617871 tel:+57-300-8617871
+573008742826 +57 300 8742826 300 8742826 tel:+57-300-8742826
+573008763569 +57 300 8763569 300 8763569 tel:+57-300-8763569
+573008769847 +57 300 8769847 300 8769847 tel:+57-300-8769847
+573008824672 +57 300 8824672 300 8824672 tel:+57-300-8824672
+573008846270 +57 300 8846270 300 8846270 tel:+57-300-8846270
+573008861777 +57 300 8861777 300 8861777 tel:+57-300-8861777
+573008868578 +57 300 8868578 300 8868578 tel:+57-300-8868578
+573008877789 +57 300 8877789 300 8877789 tel:+57-300-8877789
+573008889546 +57 300 8889546 300 8889546 tel:+57-300-8889546
+573008893690 +57 300 8893690 300 8893690 tel:+57-300-8893690
+573008903444 +57 300 8903444 300 8903444 tel:+57-300-8903444
+573008933600 +57 300 8933600 300 8933600 tel:+57-300-8933600
+573008943753 +57 300 8943753 300 8943753 tel:+57-300-8943753
+573008946040 +57 300 8946040 300 8946040 tel:+57-300-8946040
+573008947408 +57 300 8947408 300 8947408 tel:+57-300-8947408
+573008950336 +57 300 8950336 300 8950336 tel:+57-300-8950336
+573008950541 +57 300 8950541 300 8950541 tel:+57-300-8950541
+573008952435 +57 300 8952435 300 8952435 tel:+57-300-8952435
+573008952827 +57 300 8952827 300 8952827 tel:+57-300-8952827
+573008962000 +57 300 8962000 300 8962000 tel:+57-300-8962000
+573008967000 +57 300 8967000 300 8967000 tel:+57-300-8967000
+573008968000 +57 300 8968000 300 8968000 tel:+57-300-8968000
+573008993069 +57 300 8993069 300 8993069 tel:+57-300-8993069
+573008997268 +57 300 8997268 300 8997268 tel:+57-300-8997268
+573008997972 +57 300 8997972 300 8997972 tel:+57-300-8997972
+573009108620 +57 300 9108620 300 9108620 tel:+57-300-9108620
+573009108633 +57 300 9108633 300 9108633 tel:+57-300-9108633
+573009108738 +57 300 9108738 300 9108738 tel:+57-300-9108738
+573009109101 +57 300 9109101 300 9109101 tel:+57-300-9109101
+573009109120 +57 300 9109120 300 9109120 tel:+57-300-9109120
+573009109134 +57 300 9109134 300 9109134 tel:+57-300-9109134
+573009109408 +57 300 9109408 300 9109408 tel:+57-300-9109408
+573009109487 +57 300 9109487 300 9109487 tel:+57-300-9109487
+573009109630 +57 300 9109630 300 9109630 tel:+57-300-9109630
+573009109936 +57 300 9109936 300 9109936 tel:+57-300-9109936
+573009390030 +57 300 9390030 300 9390030 tel:+57-300-9390030