Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 15:24
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 15:24.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573113567249 +57 311 3567249 311 3567249 tel:+57-311-3567249
+573113791801 +57 311 3791801 311 3791801 tel:+57-311-3791801
+573113794270 +57 311 3794270 311 3794270 tel:+57-311-3794270
+573114235797 +57 311 4235797 311 4235797 tel:+57-311-4235797
+573114237008 +57 311 4237008 311 4237008 tel:+57-311-4237008
+573114591607 +57 311 4591607 311 4591607 tel:+57-311-4591607
+573114618444 +57 311 4618444 311 4618444 tel:+57-311-4618444
+573114692889 +57 311 4692889 311 4692889 tel:+57-311-4692889
+573114837018 +57 311 4837018 311 4837018 tel:+57-311-4837018
+573114873169 +57 311 4873169 311 4873169 tel:+57-311-4873169
+573114873174 +57 311 4873174 311 4873174 tel:+57-311-4873174
+573114874135 +57 311 4874135 311 4874135 tel:+57-311-4874135
+573114912404 +57 311 4912404 311 4912404 tel:+57-311-4912404
+573114954730 +57 311 4954730 311 4954730 tel:+57-311-4954730
+573114975038 +57 311 4975038 311 4975038 tel:+57-311-4975038
+573115207716 +57 311 5207716 311 5207716 tel:+57-311-5207716
+573115227219 +57 311 5227219 311 5227219 tel:+57-311-5227219
+573115252328 +57 311 5252328 311 5252328 tel:+57-311-5252328
+573115261356 +57 311 5261356 311 5261356 tel:+57-311-5261356
+573115417287 +57 311 5417287 311 5417287 tel:+57-311-5417287
+573115639740 +57 311 5639740 311 5639740 tel:+57-311-5639740
+573115933695 +57 311 5933695 311 5933695 tel:+57-311-5933695
+573116049655 +57 311 6049655 311 6049655 tel:+57-311-6049655
+573116050348 +57 311 6050348 311 6050348 tel:+57-311-6050348
+573116067332 +57 311 6067332 311 6067332 tel:+57-311-6067332
+573116067455 +57 311 6067455 311 6067455 tel:+57-311-6067455
+573116077500 +57 311 6077500 311 6077500 tel:+57-311-6077500
+573117061118 +57 311 7061118 311 7061118 tel:+57-311-7061118
+573117063677 +57 311 7063677 311 7063677 tel:+57-311-7063677
+573117065273 +57 311 7065273 311 7065273 tel:+57-311-7065273
+573117065298 +57 311 7065298 311 7065298 tel:+57-311-7065298
+573117066906 +57 311 7066906 311 7066906 tel:+57-311-7066906
+573117068507 +57 311 7068507 311 7068507 tel:+57-311-7068507
+573117335821 +57 311 7335821 311 7335821 tel:+57-311-7335821
+573117944050 +57 311 7944050 311 7944050 tel:+57-311-7944050
+573118173323 +57 311 8173323 311 8173323 tel:+57-311-8173323
+573118358506 +57 311 8358506 311 8358506 tel:+57-311-8358506
+573118518892 +57 311 8518892 311 8518892 tel:+57-311-8518892
+573118662786 +57 311 8662786 311 8662786 tel:+57-311-8662786
+573118748922 +57 311 8748922 311 8748922 tel:+57-311-8748922
+573118990807 +57 311 8990807 311 8990807 tel:+57-311-8990807
+573119000000 +57 311 9000000 311 9000000 tel:+57-311-9000000
+573122221935 +57 312 2221935 312 2221935 tel:+57-312-2221935
+573122232464 +57 312 2232464 312 2232464 tel:+57-312-2232464
+573122264339 +57 312 2264339 312 2264339 tel:+57-312-2264339
+573123018739 +57 312 3018739 312 3018739 tel:+57-312-3018739
+573123028964 +57 312 3028964 312 3028964 tel:+57-312-3028964
+573123309638 +57 312 3309638 312 3309638 tel:+57-312-3309638
+573123310853 +57 312 3310853 312 3310853 tel:+57-312-3310853
+573123311169 +57 312 3311169 312 3311169 tel:+57-312-3311169