Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 04:19
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 04:19.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573164395293 +57 316 4395293 316 4395293 tel:+57-316-4395293
+573164395605 +57 316 4395605 316 4395605 tel:+57-316-4395605
+573164395789 +57 316 4395789 316 4395789 tel:+57-316-4395789
+573164430055 +57 316 4430055 316 4430055 tel:+57-316-4430055
+573164446535 +57 316 4446535 316 4446535 tel:+57-316-4446535
+573164455335 +57 316 4455335 316 4455335 tel:+57-316-4455335
+573164498198 +57 316 4498198 316 4498198 tel:+57-316-4498198
+573164498578 +57 316 4498578 316 4498578 tel:+57-316-4498578
+573164513228 +57 316 4513228 316 4513228 tel:+57-316-4513228
+573164525235 +57 316 4525235 316 4525235 tel:+57-316-4525235
+573164541428 +57 316 4541428 316 4541428 tel:+57-316-4541428
+573164543478 +57 316 4543478 316 4543478 tel:+57-316-4543478
+573164544617 +57 316 4544617 316 4544617 tel:+57-316-4544617
+573164548788 +57 316 4548788 316 4548788 tel:+57-316-4548788
+573164637012 +57 316 4637012 316 4637012 tel:+57-316-4637012
+573164647775 +57 316 4647775 316 4647775 tel:+57-316-4647775
+573164649937 +57 316 4649937 316 4649937 tel:+57-316-4649937
+573164674131 +57 316 4674131 316 4674131 tel:+57-316-4674131
+573164681744 +57 316 4681744 316 4681744 tel:+57-316-4681744
+573164683226 +57 316 4683226 316 4683226 tel:+57-316-4683226
+573164685446 +57 316 4685446 316 4685446 tel:+57-316-4685446
+573164686727 +57 316 4686727 316 4686727 tel:+57-316-4686727
+573164691426 +57 316 4691426 316 4691426 tel:+57-316-4691426
+573164692285 +57 316 4692285 316 4692285 tel:+57-316-4692285
+573164692585 +57 316 4692585 316 4692585 tel:+57-316-4692585
+573164692816 +57 316 4692816 316 4692816 tel:+57-316-4692816
+573164692989 +57 316 4692989 316 4692989 tel:+57-316-4692989
+573164693056 +57 316 4693056 316 4693056 tel:+57-316-4693056
+573164693111 +57 316 4693111 316 4693111 tel:+57-316-4693111
+573164708596 +57 316 4708596 316 4708596 tel:+57-316-4708596
+573164721521 +57 316 4721521 316 4721521 tel:+57-316-4721521
+573164723805 +57 316 4723805 316 4723805 tel:+57-316-4723805
+573164727478 +57 316 4727478 316 4727478 tel:+57-316-4727478
+573164782273 +57 316 4782273 316 4782273 tel:+57-316-4782273
+573164812824 +57 316 4812824 316 4812824 tel:+57-316-4812824
+573164827664 +57 316 4827664 316 4827664 tel:+57-316-4827664
+573164961174 +57 316 4961174 316 4961174 tel:+57-316-4961174
+573165090771 +57 316 5090771 316 5090771 tel:+57-316-5090771
+573165207158 +57 316 5207158 316 5207158 tel:+57-316-5207158
+573165207166 +57 316 5207166 316 5207166 tel:+57-316-5207166
+573165207171 +57 316 5207171 316 5207171 tel:+57-316-5207171
+573165207225 +57 316 5207225 316 5207225 tel:+57-316-5207225
+573165207672 +57 316 5207672 316 5207672 tel:+57-316-5207672
+573165211511 +57 316 5211511 316 5211511 tel:+57-316-5211511
+573165212686 +57 316 5212686 316 5212686 tel:+57-316-5212686
+573165223653 +57 316 5223653 316 5223653 tel:+57-316-5223653
+573165225510 +57 316 5225510 316 5225510 tel:+57-316-5225510
+573165229160 +57 316 5229160 316 5229160 tel:+57-316-5229160
+573165234248 +57 316 5234248 316 5234248 tel:+57-316-5234248
+573165237210 +57 316 5237210 316 5237210 tel:+57-316-5237210