Reported phone numbers in Colombia (+57)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +57
E.164 (Country Code): 57
Emergency phone number: 123
Capital: Bogotá
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Colombian Peso (COP)
Local Time: 09:59
Timezone: America/Bogota
Population: 49 648 685
Land Area: 1 138 910 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Colombia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Colombia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Colombia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +57 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Colombia is 09:59.

Unspecified phone numbers from Colombia

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Colombia.

+573193773368 +57 319 3773368 319 3773368 tel:+57-319-3773368
+573194716860 +57 319 4716860 319 4716860 tel:+57-319-4716860
+573194813238 +57 319 4813238 319 4813238 tel:+57-319-4813238
+573195257062 +57 319 5257062 319 5257062 tel:+57-319-5257062
+573195428386 +57 319 5428386 319 5428386 tel:+57-319-5428386
+573195753165 +57 319 5753165 319 5753165 tel:+57-319-5753165
+573196019530 +57 319 6019530 319 6019530 tel:+57-319-6019530
+573196033129 +57 319 6033129 319 6033129 tel:+57-319-6033129
+573196033797 +57 319 6033797 319 6033797 tel:+57-319-6033797
+573196033851 +57 319 6033851 319 6033851 tel:+57-319-6033851
+573196037015 +57 319 6037015 319 6037015 tel:+57-319-6037015
+573196039382 +57 319 6039382 319 6039382 tel:+57-319-6039382
+573196047530 +57 319 6047530 319 6047530 tel:+57-319-6047530
+573196051926 +57 319 6051926 319 6051926 tel:+57-319-6051926
+573196059737 +57 319 6059737 319 6059737 tel:+57-319-6059737
+573196063654 +57 319 6063654 319 6063654 tel:+57-319-6063654
+573196063834 +57 319 6063834 319 6063834 tel:+57-319-6063834
+573196073030 +57 319 6073030 319 6073030 tel:+57-319-6073030
+573196087036 +57 319 6087036 319 6087036 tel:+57-319-6087036
+573196098356 +57 319 6098356 319 6098356 tel:+57-319-6098356
+573196110074 +57 319 6110074 319 6110074 tel:+57-319-6110074
+573196110722 +57 319 6110722 319 6110722 tel:+57-319-6110722
+573196127354 +57 319 6127354 319 6127354 tel:+57-319-6127354
+573196134011 +57 319 6134011 319 6134011 tel:+57-319-6134011
+573196140391 +57 319 6140391 319 6140391 tel:+57-319-6140391
+573196153350 +57 319 6153350 319 6153350 tel:+57-319-6153350
+573196155687 +57 319 6155687 319 6155687 tel:+57-319-6155687
+573196159127 +57 319 6159127 319 6159127 tel:+57-319-6159127
+573196161086 +57 319 6161086 319 6161086 tel:+57-319-6161086
+573196169069 +57 319 6169069 319 6169069 tel:+57-319-6169069
+573196542174 +57 319 6542174 319 6542174 tel:+57-319-6542174
+573197426460 +57 319 7426460 319 7426460 tel:+57-319-7426460
+573208899726 +57 320 8899726 320 8899726 tel:+57-320-8899726
+573208899728 +57 320 8899728 320 8899728 tel:+57-320-8899728
+573208899729 +57 320 8899729 320 8899729 tel:+57-320-8899729
+573208899733 +57 320 8899733 320 8899733 tel:+57-320-8899733
+573208899746 +57 320 8899746 320 8899746 tel:+57-320-8899746
+573208899753 +57 320 8899753 320 8899753 tel:+57-320-8899753
+573208899754 +57 320 8899754 320 8899754 tel:+57-320-8899754
+573208899758 +57 320 8899758 320 8899758 tel:+57-320-8899758
+573208899762 +57 320 8899762 320 8899762 tel:+57-320-8899762
+573208899765 +57 320 8899765 320 8899765 tel:+57-320-8899765
+573208899768 +57 320 8899768 320 8899768 tel:+57-320-8899768
+573208899770 +57 320 8899770 320 8899770 tel:+57-320-8899770
+573208899794 +57 320 8899794 320 8899794 tel:+57-320-8899794
+573208899797 +57 320 8899797 320 8899797 tel:+57-320-8899797
+573208899798 +57 320 8899798 320 8899798 tel:+57-320-8899798
+573208899811 +57 320 8899811 320 8899811 tel:+57-320-8899811
+573208899824 +57 320 8899824 320 8899824 tel:+57-320-8899824
+573208899828 +57 320 8899828 320 8899828 tel:+57-320-8899828