Area code 1 (Zagreb)

Area code
Local time
698 966
Emergency phone number
Area: Zagreb
Area code: 01
Country Calling Code: +385
E.164 (Country Code): 385
Emergency phone number: 192
Capital: Zagreb
Language: Croatian
Valuta: Kroatien, kuna (HRK)
Local Time: 14:57
Timezone: Europe/Zagreb
Population: 698 966
Land Area: 56 542 KM2

Area code 1 - Zagreb

Zagreb is located in Croatia and has area code 1. When calling a person or company located in Zagreb from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +3851 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Zagreb is 14:57. Zagreb has a population of 698 966 citiciens (2019-09-05).

Zagreb - Postal numbers

Zagreb has 16 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
10000Zagreb-ČrnomerecGrad Zagreb15.95/45.8167
10110Zagreb-Trešnjevka-sjeverGrad Zagreb15.9464/45.7934
10104Zagreb-Trešnjevka-jugGrad Zagreb15.9464/45.7934
10090Zagreb-StenjevecGrad Zagreb15.8825/45.8085
10090Zagreb-Podsused-VrapčeGrad Zagreb15.8825/45.8085
10000Zagreb-PodsljemeGrad Zagreb15.9787/45.8609
10135Zagreb-Pešćenica-ŽitnjakGrad Zagreb15.9464/45.7934
10020Zagreb-Novi Zagreb-zapadGrad Zagreb15.9613/45.7295
10010Zagreb-Novi Zagreb-istokGrad Zagreb16/45.75
10000Zagreb-MaksimirGrad Zagreb16.0133/45.8187
10000Zagreb-Gornji Grad- MedveščakGrad Zagreb15.9794/45.8281
10040Zagreb-Gornja DubravaGrad Zagreb15.9641/45.7684
10105Zagreb-Donji Grad dioGrad Zagreb15.9464/45.7934
10000Zagreb-Donji GradGrad Zagreb15.9803/45.8311
10040Zagreb-Donja DubravaGrad Zagreb15.9641/45.7684
10000Zagreb-TrnjeGrad Zagreb15.9803/45.8311

Reported phone numbers in Zagreb

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+38513535268 +385 1 3535 268 01 3535 268 tel:+385-1-3535-268
+38513535274 +385 1 3535 274 01 3535 274 tel:+385-1-3535-274
+38513535278 +385 1 3535 278 01 3535 278 tel:+385-1-3535-278
+38513535283 +385 1 3535 283 01 3535 283 tel:+385-1-3535-283
+38515566400 +385 1 5566 400 01 5566 400 tel:+385-1-5566-400
+38515566401 +385 1 5566 401 01 5566 401 tel:+385-1-5566-401
+38515566403 +385 1 5566 403 01 5566 403 tel:+385-1-5566-403
+38515566404 +385 1 5566 404 01 5566 404 tel:+385-1-5566-404
+38515566407 +385 1 5566 407 01 5566 407 tel:+385-1-5566-407
+38515790139 +385 1 5790 139 01 5790 139 tel:+385-1-5790-139
+38517788727 +385 1 7788 727 01 7788 727 tel:+385-1-7788-727
+38517888171 +385 1 7888 171 01 7888 171 tel:+385-1-7888-171
+38517980035 +385 1 7980 035 01 7980 035 tel:+385-1-7980-035
+38517980233 +385 1 7980 233 01 7980 233 tel:+385-1-7980-233
+38517980278 +385 1 7980 278 01 7980 278 tel:+385-1-7980-278
+38517988801 +385 1 7988 801 01 7988 801 tel:+385-1-7988-801
+38517988802 +385 1 7988 802 01 7988 802 tel:+385-1-7988-802
+38515790637 +385 1 5790 637 01 5790 637 tel:+385-1-5790-637
+38513535889 +385 1 3535 889 01 3535 889 tel:+385-1-3535-889
+38515790147 +385 1 5790 147 01 5790 147 tel:+385-1-5790-147
+38515790639 +385 1 5790 639 01 5790 639 tel:+385-1-5790-639
+38515790638 +385 1 5790 638 01 5790 638 tel:+385-1-5790-638
+38512105798 +385 1 2105 798 01 2105 798 tel:+385-1-2105-798