Reported phone numbers in Cyprus (+357)

Local time
Emergency phone number
112 or 199
Country Calling Code: +357
E.164 (Country Code): 357
Emergency phone number: 112 or 199
Capital: Nicosia
Language: Greek, Modern (1453-)
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 02:07
Timezone: Asia/Famagusta
Population: 1 189 265
Land Area: 9 250 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Cyprus without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Cyprus but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Cyprus / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +357 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Cyprus is 02:07.

Unspecified phone numbers from Cyprus

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Cyprus.

+35725262091 +357 25 262091 25 262091 tel:+357-25-262091
+35725262119 +357 25 262119 25 262119 tel:+357-25-262119
+35725262500 +357 25 262500 25 262500 tel:+357-25-262500
+35725262618 +357 25 262618 25 262618 tel:+357-25-262618
+35725262771 +357 25 262771 25 262771 tel:+357-25-262771
+35725262789 +357 25 262789 25 262789 tel:+357-25-262789
+35725262890 +357 25 262890 25 262890 tel:+357-25-262890
+35725262938 +357 25 262938 25 262938 tel:+357-25-262938
+35725281648 +357 25 281648 25 281648 tel:+357-25-281648
+35725281649 +357 25 281649 25 281649 tel:+357-25-281649
+35725281650 +357 25 281650 25 281650 tel:+357-25-281650
+35725281652 +357 25 281652 25 281652 tel:+357-25-281652
+35725281653 +357 25 281653 25 281653 tel:+357-25-281653
+35725281893 +357 25 281893 25 281893 tel:+357-25-281893
+35725281899 +357 25 281899 25 281899 tel:+357-25-281899
+35725577083 +357 25 577083 25 577083 tel:+357-25-577083
+35725654277 +357 25 654277 25 654277 tel:+357-25-654277
+35725820250 +357 25 820250 25 820250 tel:+357-25-820250
+35726030217 +357 26 030217 26 030217 tel:+357-26-030217
+35726166461 +357 26 166461 26 166461 tel:+357-26-166461
+35796155601 +357 96 155601 96 155601 tel:+357-96-155601
+35796232384 +357 96 232384 96 232384 tel:+357-96-232384
+35796232392 +357 96 232392 96 232392 tel:+357-96-232392
+35796686825 +357 96 686825 96 686825 tel:+357-96-686825
+35797620034 +357 97 620034 97 620034 tel:+357-97-620034
+35725029901 +357 25 029901 25 029901 tel:+357-25-029901
+35725025085 +357 25 025085 25 025085 tel:+357-25-025085
+35722009829 +357 22 009829 22 009829 tel:+357-22-009829
+35722010571 +357 22 010571 22 010571 tel:+357-22-010571
+35722015018 +357 22 015018 22 015018 tel:+357-22-015018
+35722770028 +357 22 770028 22 770028 tel:+357-22-770028
+35722001114 +357 22 001114 22 001114 tel:+357-22-001114
+35797763818 +357 97 763818 97 763818 tel:+357-97-763818
+35725025086 +357 25 025086 25 025086 tel:+357-25-025086
+35725030659 +357 25 030659 25 030659 tel:+357-25-030659
+35725030543 +357 25 030543 25 030543 tel:+357-25-030543
+35722514247 +357 22 514247 22 514247 tel:+357-22-514247
+35799447844 +357 99 447844 99 447844 tel:+357-99-447844
+35725030547 +357 25 030547 25 030547 tel:+357-25-030547
+35723030041 +357 23 030041 23 030041 tel:+357-23-030041
+35798769321 +357 98 769321 98 769321 tel:+357-98-769321
+35725262945 +357 25 262945 25 262945 tel:+357-25-262945
+35796155605 +357 96 155605 96 155605 tel:+357-96-155605
+35722015019 +357 22 015019 22 015019 tel:+357-22-015019
+35722030849 +357 22 030849 22 030849 tel:+357-22-030849
+35722265176 +357 22 265176 22 265176 tel:+357-22-265176
+35796552378 +357 96 552378 96 552378 tel:+357-96-552378
+35725263273 +357 25 263273 25 263273 tel:+357-25-263273
+35725262068 +357 25 262068 25 262068 tel:+357-25-262068
+35725010520 +357 25 010520 25 010520 tel:+357-25-010520