Area code 420 (Czechia)

Local time
10 625 695
Emergency phone number
Area: Czechia
Country Calling Code: +420
E.164 (Country Code): 420
Emergency phone number: 158
Capital: Prague
Language: Czech
Valuta: Czech Koruna (CZK)
Local Time: 14:10
Timezone: Europe/Prague
Population: 10 625 695
Land Area: 78 866 KM2

Area code 420 - Czechia

Czechia is located in Czech Republic and has area code 420. When calling a person or company located in Czechia from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +420420 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Czechia is 14:10. Czechia has a population of 10 625 695 citiciens (2021-11-13).

Reported phone numbers in Czechia

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+420601575981 +420 601 575 981 601 575 981 tel:+420-601-575-981
+420603629075 +420 603 629 075 603 629 075 tel:+420-603-629-075
+420603676667 +420 603 676 667 603 676 667 tel:+420-603-676-667
+420603676687 +420 603 676 687 603 676 687 tel:+420-603-676-687
+420608193161 +420 608 193 161 608 193 161 tel:+420-608-193-161
+420720720066 +420 720 720 066 720 720 066 tel:+420-720-720-066
+420723167998 +420 723 167 998 723 167 998 tel:+420-723-167-998
+420724384347 +420 724 384 347 724 384 347 tel:+420-724-384-347
+420724384445 +420 724 384 445 724 384 445 tel:+420-724-384-445
+420726172355 +420 726 172 355 726 172 355 tel:+420-726-172-355
+420726174555 +420 726 174 555 726 174 555 tel:+420-726-174-555
+420726175858 +420 726 175 858 726 175 858 tel:+420-726-175-858
+420726175888 +420 726 175 888 726 175 888 tel:+420-726-175-888
+420727622888 +420 727 622 888 727 622 888 tel:+420-727-622-888
+420729930207 +420 729 930 207 729 930 207 tel:+420-729-930-207
+420729930389 +420 729 930 389 729 930 389 tel:+420-729-930-389
+420729930669 +420 729 930 669 729 930 669 tel:+420-729-930-669
+420729930890 +420 729 930 890 729 930 890 tel:+420-729-930-890
+420729968111 +420 729 968 111 729 968 111 tel:+420-729-968-111
+420729980200 +420 729 980 200 729 980 200 tel:+420-729-980-200
+420730190538 +420 730 190 538 730 190 538 tel:+420-730-190-538
+420731038706 +420 731 038 706 731 038 706 tel:+420-731-038-706
+420731144102 +420 731 144 102 731 144 102 tel:+420-731-144-102
+420731690636 +420 731 690 636 731 690 636 tel:+420-731-690-636
+420731991249 +420 731 991 249 731 991 249 tel:+420-731-991-249
+420734429311 +420 734 429 311 734 429 311 tel:+420-734-429-311
+420734429313 +420 734 429 313 734 429 313 tel:+420-734-429-313
+420734429314 +420 734 429 314 734 429 314 tel:+420-734-429-314
+420734429317 +420 734 429 317 734 429 317 tel:+420-734-429-317
+420734429318 +420 734 429 318 734 429 318 tel:+420-734-429-318
+420734429320 +420 734 429 320 734 429 320 tel:+420-734-429-320
+420738413130 +420 738 413 130 738 413 130 tel:+420-738-413-130
+420770082018 +420 770 082 018 770 082 018 tel:+420-770-082-018
+420773072201 +420 773 072 201 773 072 201 tel:+420-773-072-201
+420773072221 +420 773 072 221 773 072 221 tel:+420-773-072-221
+420773072232 +420 773 072 232 773 072 232 tel:+420-773-072-232
+420775029079 +420 775 029 079 775 029 079 tel:+420-775-029-079
+420775695995 +420 775 695 995 775 695 995 tel:+420-775-695-995
+420777472038 +420 777 472 038 777 472 038 tel:+420-777-472-038
+420778031236 +420 778 031 236 778 031 236 tel:+420-778-031-236
+420778168002 +420 778 168 002 778 168 002 tel:+420-778-168-002
+420778424601 +420 778 424 601 778 424 601 tel:+420-778-424-601
+420778747516 +420 778 747 516 778 747 516 tel:+420-778-747-516
+420778747524 +420 778 747 524 778 747 524 tel:+420-778-747-524
+420778773685 +420 778 773 685 778 773 685 tel:+420-778-773-685
+420776825219 +420 776 825 219 776 825 219 tel:+420-776-825-219
+420792415169 +420 792 415 169 792 415 169 tel:+420-792-415-169
+420723968275 +420 723 968 275 723 968 275 tel:+420-723-968-275
+420605534850 +420 605 534 850 605 534 850 tel:+420-605-534-850
+420730636968 +420 730 636 968 730 636 968 tel:+420-730-636-968