Area code 3 (Abbeville)

Area code
Local time
26 461
Emergency phone number
Area: Abbeville
Area code: 03
Country Calling Code: +33
E.164 (Country Code): 33
Emergency phone number: 17
Capital: Paris
Language: French
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 01:27
Timezone: Europe/Paris
Population: 26 461
Land Area: 547 030 KM2

Area code 3 - Abbeville

Abbeville is located in France and has area code 3. When calling a person or company located in Abbeville from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +333 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Abbeville is 01:27. Abbeville has a population of 26 461 citiciens (2019-04-10).

Abbeville - Postal numbers

Abbeville has 20 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
80146 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80145 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80144 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80143 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80142 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80109 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80108 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80107 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80101 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80102 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80103 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80104 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80105 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
80106 CEDEXAbbevilleHauts-de-France1.8333/50.1
54800Abbéville-lès-ConflansGrand Est5.8439/49.1976

Reported phone numbers in Abbeville

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+33360040037 +33 3 60 04 00 37 03 60 04 00 37 tel:+33-3-60-04-00-37
+33360040038 +33 3 60 04 00 38 03 60 04 00 38 tel:+33-3-60-04-00-38
+33360040039 +33 3 60 04 00 39 03 60 04 00 39 tel:+33-3-60-04-00-39
+33365171000 +33 3 65 17 10 00 03 65 17 10 00 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-00
+33365171001 +33 3 65 17 10 01 03 65 17 10 01 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-01
+33365171002 +33 3 65 17 10 02 03 65 17 10 02 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-02
+33365171004 +33 3 65 17 10 04 03 65 17 10 04 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-04
+33365171005 +33 3 65 17 10 05 03 65 17 10 05 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-05
+33365171006 +33 3 65 17 10 06 03 65 17 10 06 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-06
+33365171007 +33 3 65 17 10 07 03 65 17 10 07 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-07
+33365171008 +33 3 65 17 10 08 03 65 17 10 08 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-08
+33365171009 +33 3 65 17 10 09 03 65 17 10 09 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-09
+33365171010 +33 3 65 17 10 10 03 65 17 10 10 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-10
+33365171011 +33 3 65 17 10 11 03 65 17 10 11 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-11
+33365171012 +33 3 65 17 10 12 03 65 17 10 12 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-12
+33365171013 +33 3 65 17 10 13 03 65 17 10 13 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-13
+33365171014 +33 3 65 17 10 14 03 65 17 10 14 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-14
+33365171015 +33 3 65 17 10 15 03 65 17 10 15 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-15
+33365171017 +33 3 65 17 10 17 03 65 17 10 17 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-17
+33365171018 +33 3 65 17 10 18 03 65 17 10 18 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-18
+33365171019 +33 3 65 17 10 19 03 65 17 10 19 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-19
+33365171020 +33 3 65 17 10 20 03 65 17 10 20 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-20
+33365171021 +33 3 65 17 10 21 03 65 17 10 21 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-21
+33365171022 +33 3 65 17 10 22 03 65 17 10 22 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-22
+33365171023 +33 3 65 17 10 23 03 65 17 10 23 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-23
+33365171024 +33 3 65 17 10 24 03 65 17 10 24 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-24
+33365171025 +33 3 65 17 10 25 03 65 17 10 25 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-25
+33365171026 +33 3 65 17 10 26 03 65 17 10 26 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-26
+33365171027 +33 3 65 17 10 27 03 65 17 10 27 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-27
+33365171028 +33 3 65 17 10 28 03 65 17 10 28 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-28
+33365171031 +33 3 65 17 10 31 03 65 17 10 31 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-31
+33365171035 +33 3 65 17 10 35 03 65 17 10 35 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-35
+33365171039 +33 3 65 17 10 39 03 65 17 10 39 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-39
+33365171046 +33 3 65 17 10 46 03 65 17 10 46 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-46
+33365171050 +33 3 65 17 10 50 03 65 17 10 50 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-50
+33365171051 +33 3 65 17 10 51 03 65 17 10 51 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-51
+33365171052 +33 3 65 17 10 52 03 65 17 10 52 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-52
+33365171058 +33 3 65 17 10 58 03 65 17 10 58 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-58
+33365171060 +33 3 65 17 10 60 03 65 17 10 60 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-60
+33365171061 +33 3 65 17 10 61 03 65 17 10 61 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-61
+33365171068 +33 3 65 17 10 68 03 65 17 10 68 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-68
+33365171072 +33 3 65 17 10 72 03 65 17 10 72 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-72
+33365171085 +33 3 65 17 10 85 03 65 17 10 85 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-85
+33365171086 +33 3 65 17 10 86 03 65 17 10 86 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-86
+33365171087 +33 3 65 17 10 87 03 65 17 10 87 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-87
+33365171088 +33 3 65 17 10 88 03 65 17 10 88 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-88
+33365171089 +33 3 65 17 10 89 03 65 17 10 89 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-89
+33365171090 +33 3 65 17 10 90 03 65 17 10 90 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-90
+33365171091 +33 3 65 17 10 91 03 65 17 10 91 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-91
+33365171092 +33 3 65 17 10 92 03 65 17 10 92 tel:+33-3-65-17-10-92