Area code 4 (Ales)
Area code
Local time
42 410
42 410
Emergency phone number
Area code 4 - Ales
Ales is located in France and has area code 4.
When calling a person or company located in Ales from abroad,
you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code.
In this case +334 followed by the phone number.
Local time and other details
Local time in Ales is 14:40. Ales has a population of 42 410 citiciens (2016-07-27).
Ales - Postal numbers
Ales has 52 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal number | Municipality | County | Lon/Lat |
76440 | Saint-Michel-d’Halescourt | Normandie | 1.6658/49.6081 |
74380 | Cranves-Sales | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | 6.2911/46.1875 |
74150 | Sales | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | 5.96/45.8758 |
73340 | Saint-François-de-Sales | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | 6.0577/45.6828 |
67420 | Saales | Grand Est | 7.1066/48.3497 |
65500 | Camalès | Occitanie | 0.0739/43.3602 |
65670 | Lassales | Occitanie | 0.4873/43.2139 |
64290 | Estialescq | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | -0.55/43.2167 |
60130 | Valescourt | Hauts-de-France | 2.4362/49.4827 |
59218 | Salesches | Hauts-de-France | 3.588/50.2031 |
56140 | Malestroit | Bretagne | -2.3846/47.8093 |
52200 | Balesmes-sur-Marne | Grand Est | 5.3737/47.8206 |
46350 | Calès | Occitanie | 1.5369/44.8133 |
45300 | Le Malesherbois | Centre-Val de Loire | 2.4053/48.2964 |
45330 | Le Malesherbois | Centre-Val de Loire | 2.4053/48.2964 |
45330 | Malesherbes | Centre-Val de Loire | 2.4093/48.2957 |
45331 CEDEX | Malesherbes | Centre-Val de Loire | 2.4093/48.2957 |
43140 | Saint-Victor-Malescours | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | 4.3122/45.2917 |
39150 | Les Chalesmes | Bourgogne-Franche-Comté | 6.037/46.6901 |
31290 | Cessales | Occitanie | 1.7423/43.4579 |
31580 | Balesta | Occitanie | 0.5667/43.2 |
30106 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30380 | Saint-Christol-lès-Alès | Occitanie | 4.0751/44.0826 |
30340 | Méjannes-lès-Alès | Occitanie | 4.1554/44.0986 |
30101 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30100 | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30107 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30112 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30105 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30115 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30311 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30104 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30313 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30318 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30319 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30580 | Brouzet-lès-Alès | Occitanie | 4.2457/44.136 |
30103 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30102 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
30109 CEDEX | Alès | Occitanie | 4.0808/44.1249 |
20234 | Valle-d'Alesani | Corse | 9.4157/42.3261 |
24560 | Monmadalès | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | 0.622/44.7663 |
24540 | Marsalès | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | 0.8873/44.6972 |
24150 | Calès | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | 0.8124/44.8558 |
23270 | Jalesches | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | 2.0833/46.3 |
23800 | Dun-le-Palestel | Nouvelle-Aquitaine | 1.6667/46.3 |
15140 | Saint-Martin-Cantalès | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | 2.3012/45.0925 |
15150 | Saint-Étienne-Cantalès | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | 2.2242/44.9468 |
15150 | Saint-Santin-Cantalès | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | 2.258/45.0298 |
12440 | La Salvetat-Peyralès | Occitanie | 2.203/44.2194 |
12260 | Montsalès | Occitanie | 1.9613/44.4911 |
11200 | Escales | Occitanie | 2.6957/43.2229 |
02120 | Noyales | Hauts-de-France | 3.5549/49.8973 |
Reported phone numbers in Ales
The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.
+33430201025 | +33 4 30 20 10 25 | 04 30 20 10 25 | tel:+33-4-30-20-10-25 |