Area code 1 (Noisy-le-Grand)
Area code
Local time
66 659
66 659
Emergency phone number
Area code 1 - Noisy-le-Grand
Noisy-le-Grand is located in France and has area code 1.
When calling a person or company located in Noisy-le-Grand from abroad,
you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code.
In this case +331 followed by the phone number.
Local time and other details
Local time in Noisy-le-Grand is 04:59. Noisy-le-Grand has a population of 66 659 citiciens (2019-03-23).
Noisy-le-Grand - Postal numbers
Noisy-le-Grand has 28 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal number | Municipality | County | Lon/Lat |
93160 | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93196 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93197 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93199 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93461 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93462 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93463 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93464 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93465 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93881 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93883 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93884 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93885 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93195 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93194 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93161 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93162 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93163 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93164 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93165 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93166 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93167 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93168 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93169 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93191 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93192 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93193 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
93887 CEDEX | Noisy-le-Grand | Île-de-France | 2.5627/48.8498 |
Reported phone numbers in Noisy-le-Grand
The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.
+33148152659 | +33 1 48 15 26 59 | 01 48 15 26 59 | tel:+33-1-48-15-26-59 |