Area code 3 (Troyes)

Area code
Local time
60 785
Emergency phone number
Area: Troyes
Area code: 03
Country Calling Code: +33
E.164 (Country Code): 33
Emergency phone number: 17
Capital: Paris
Language: French
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 23:12
Timezone: Europe/Paris
Population: 60 785
Land Area: 547 030 KM2

Area code 3 - Troyes

Troyes is located in France and has area code 3. When calling a person or company located in Troyes from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +333 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Troyes is 23:12. Troyes has a population of 60 785 citiciens (2018-02-06).

Troyes - Postal numbers

Troyes has 42 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
10910 CEDEX 9TroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10088 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10081 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10080 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10042 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10032 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10031 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10030 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10026 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10089 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10091 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10092 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10902 CEDEX 9TroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10901 CEDEX 9TroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10606 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10605 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10433 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10432 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10431 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10096 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10025 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10018 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10004 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10003 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10002 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10001 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10000TroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10800Saint-Léger-près-TroyesGrand Est4.0789/48.2356
10430Rosières-près-TroyesGrand Est4.074/48.2618
10420Les Noës-près-TroyesGrand Est4.0455/48.3036
10005 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10006 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10007 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10015 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10014 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10013 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10012 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10011 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10010 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10009 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10008 CEDEXTroyesGrand Est4.0852/48.3007
10150Creney-près-TroyesGrand Est4.1333/48.3333

Reported phone numbers in Troyes

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+33351213015 +33 3 51 21 30 15 03 51 21 30 15 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-15
+33351213020 +33 3 51 21 30 20 03 51 21 30 20 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-20
+33351213023 +33 3 51 21 30 23 03 51 21 30 23 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-23
+33351213025 +33 3 51 21 30 25 03 51 21 30 25 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-25
+33351213027 +33 3 51 21 30 27 03 51 21 30 27 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-27
+33351213040 +33 3 51 21 30 40 03 51 21 30 40 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-40
+33351213043 +33 3 51 21 30 43 03 51 21 30 43 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-43
+33351213047 +33 3 51 21 30 47 03 51 21 30 47 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-47
+33351213051 +33 3 51 21 30 51 03 51 21 30 51 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-51
+33351213055 +33 3 51 21 30 55 03 51 21 30 55 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-55
+33351213056 +33 3 51 21 30 56 03 51 21 30 56 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-56
+33351213059 +33 3 51 21 30 59 03 51 21 30 59 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-59
+33351213060 +33 3 51 21 30 60 03 51 21 30 60 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-60
+33351213067 +33 3 51 21 30 67 03 51 21 30 67 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-67
+33351213072 +33 3 51 21 30 72 03 51 21 30 72 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-72
+33351213075 +33 3 51 21 30 75 03 51 21 30 75 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-75
+33351213076 +33 3 51 21 30 76 03 51 21 30 76 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-76
+33351213079 +33 3 51 21 30 79 03 51 21 30 79 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-79
+33351213083 +33 3 51 21 30 83 03 51 21 30 83 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-83
+33351213084 +33 3 51 21 30 84 03 51 21 30 84 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-84
+33351213087 +33 3 51 21 30 87 03 51 21 30 87 tel:+33-3-51-21-30-87
+33352800008 +33 3 52 80 00 08 03 52 80 00 08 tel:+33-3-52-80-00-08
+33352800018 +33 3 52 80 00 18 03 52 80 00 18 tel:+33-3-52-80-00-18
+33352800023 +33 3 52 80 00 23 03 52 80 00 23 tel:+33-3-52-80-00-23
+33352800056 +33 3 52 80 00 56 03 52 80 00 56 tel:+33-3-52-80-00-56
+33352800069 +33 3 52 80 00 69 03 52 80 00 69 tel:+33-3-52-80-00-69
+33352800113 +33 3 52 80 01 13 03 52 80 01 13 tel:+33-3-52-80-01-13
+33352800135 +33 3 52 80 01 35 03 52 80 01 35 tel:+33-3-52-80-01-35
+33352800172 +33 3 52 80 01 72 03 52 80 01 72 tel:+33-3-52-80-01-72
+33352800200 +33 3 52 80 02 00 03 52 80 02 00 tel:+33-3-52-80-02-00
+33352800292 +33 3 52 80 02 92 03 52 80 02 92 tel:+33-3-52-80-02-92
+33352800486 +33 3 52 80 04 86 03 52 80 04 86 tel:+33-3-52-80-04-86