Reported phone numbers in Germany (+49)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +49
E.164 (Country Code): 49
Emergency phone number: 110
Capital: Berlin
Language: German
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 04:01
Timezone: Europe/Berlin
Population: 82 927 922
Land Area: 357 021 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Germany without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Germany but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Germany / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +49 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Germany is 04:01.

Unspecified phone numbers from Germany

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Germany.

+491621315710 +49 162 1315710 0162 1315710 tel:+49-162-1315710
+491847154746 +49 1847154746 1847154746 tel:+49-1847154746
+491681153597 +49 168 1153597 0168 1153597 tel:+49-168-1153597
+491634503342 +49 163 4503342 0163 4503342 tel:+49-163-4503342
+49151217461 +49 151217461 151217461 tel:+49-151217461
+491714598807 +49 171 4598807 0171 4598807 tel:+49-171-4598807
+491628728166 +49 162 8728166 0162 8728166 tel:+49-162-8728166
+49176806320 +49 176806320 176806320 tel:+49-176806320
+49151245 +49 151245 151245 tel:+49-151245
+49157792491 +49 157792491 157792491 tel:+49-157792491
+4915214481454 +49 1521 4481454 01521 4481454 tel:+49-1521-4481454
+491784317807 +49 178 4317807 0178 4317807 tel:+49-178-4317807
+4915736010610 +49 1573 6010610 01573 6010610 tel:+49-1573-6010610
+4915732306165 +49 1573 2306165 01573 2306165 tel:+49-1573-2306165
+4915056874327 +49 15056 874327 015056 874327 tel:+49-15056-874327
+491700058688 +49 170 0058688 0170 0058688 tel:+49-170-0058688
+4915169404731 +49 1516 9404731 01516 9404731 tel:+49-1516-9404731
+4915114304063 +49 1511 4304063 01511 4304063 tel:+49-1511-4304063
+4915210203151 +49 1521 0203151 01521 0203151 tel:+49-1521-0203151
+4917694861198 +49 176 94861198 0176 94861198 tel:+49-176-94861198
+4915210493812 +49 1521 0493812 01521 0493812 tel:+49-1521-0493812
+4917661488316 +49 176 61488316 0176 61488316 tel:+49-176-61488316
+491945552926 +49 1945552926 1945552926 tel:+49-1945552926
+491789707487 +49 178 9707487 0178 9707487 tel:+49-178-9707487
+4915227789361 +49 1522 7789361 01522 7789361 tel:+49-1522-7789361
+4916099717293 +49 160 99717293 0160 99717293 tel:+49-160-99717293
+4917674613806 +49 176 74613806 0176 74613806 tel:+49-176-74613806
+4915258509587 +49 1525 8509587 01525 8509587 tel:+49-1525-8509587
+4915770246851 +49 1577 0246851 01577 0246851 tel:+49-1577-0246851
+491782424164 +49 178 2424164 0178 2424164 tel:+49-178-2424164
+491725741423 +49 172 5741423 0172 5741423 tel:+49-172-5741423
+491733051232 +49 173 3051232 0173 3051232 tel:+49-173-3051232
+4915777674207 +49 1577 7674207 01577 7674207 tel:+49-1577-7674207
+4917644751811 +49 176 44751811 0176 44751811 tel:+49-176-44751811
+4915216389749 +49 1521 6389749 01521 6389749 tel:+49-1521-6389749
+491784237301 +49 178 4237301 0178 4237301 tel:+49-178-4237301
+491784241078 +49 178 4241078 0178 4241078 tel:+49-178-4241078
+4915776899631 +49 1577 6899631 01577 6899631 tel:+49-1577-6899631
+491783606780 +49 178 3606780 0178 3606780 tel:+49-178-3606780
+4917681023176 +49 176 81023176 0176 81023176 tel:+49-176-81023176
+49162342284 +49 162342284 162342284 tel:+49-162342284
+4915210774301 +49 1521 0774301 01521 0774301 tel:+49-1521-0774301
+4917693755717 +49 176 93755717 0176 93755717 tel:+49-176-93755717
+4917478395654 +49 174 78395654 0174 78395654 tel:+49-174-78395654
+4917631526171 +49 176 31526171 0176 31526171 tel:+49-176-31526171
+4915236279784 +49 1523 6279784 01523 6279784 tel:+49-1523-6279784
+4917660469133 +49 176 60469133 0176 60469133 tel:+49-176-60469133
+4915172365508 +49 1517 2365508 01517 2365508 tel:+49-1517-2365508
+491711707556 +49 171 1707556 0171 1707556 tel:+49-171-1707556
+4917647391110 +49 176 47391110 0176 47391110 tel:+49-176-47391110