Area code 1 (Dublin)

Area code
Local time
1 024 027
Emergency phone number
999 or 112
Area: Dublin
Area code: 01
Country Calling Code: +353
E.164 (Country Code): 353
Emergency phone number: 999 or 112
Capital: Dublin
Language: Irish
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 20:03
Timezone: Europe/Dublin
Population: 1 024 027
Land Area: 70 280 KM2

Area code 1 - Dublin

Dublin is located in Ireland and has area code 1. When calling a person or company located in Dublin from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +3531 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Dublin is 20:03. Dublin has a population of 1 024 027 citiciens (2020-04-09).

Dublin - Postal numbers

Dublin has 22 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
D01Dublin 1Leinster-6.2545/53.354
D22Dublin 22Leinster-6.4006/53.3275
D24Dublin 24Leinster-6.3713/53.2851
D03Dublin 3Leinster-6.2378/53.3645
D04Dublin 4Leinster-6.2335/53.3334
D05Dublin 5Leinster-6.1921/53.3842
D06Dublin 6Leinster-6.2631/53.3088
D6WDublin 6WLeinster-6.3012/53.3087
D07Dublin 7Leinster-6.2918/53.3615
D08Dublin 8Leinster-6.2733/53.3346
D20Dublin 20Leinster-6.3693/53.3518
D02Dublin 2Leinster-6.2543/53.34
D10Dublin 10Leinster-6.3545/53.3409
D11Dublin 11Leinster-6.293/53.3899
D12Dublin 12Leinster-6.3165/53.322
D13Dublin 13Leinster-6.1495/53.3946
D14Dublin 14Leinster-6.2593/53.296
D15Dublin 15Leinster-6.4165/53.3832
D16Dublin 16Leinster-6.279/53.3419
D17Dublin 17Leinster-6.2058/53.4006
D18Dublin 18Leinster-6.1774/53.2469
D09Dublin 9Leinster-6.2465/53.3818

Reported phone numbers in Dublin

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+35319036869 +353 1 903 6869 (01) 903 6869 tel:+353-1-903-6869
+35319038731 +353 1 903 8731 (01) 903 8731 tel:+353-1-903-8731
+35319039217 +353 1 903 9217 (01) 903 9217 tel:+353-1-903-9217
+35319039218 +353 1 903 9218 (01) 903 9218 tel:+353-1-903-9218
+35319039219 +353 1 903 9219 (01) 903 9219 tel:+353-1-903-9219
+35319039220 +353 1 903 9220 (01) 903 9220 tel:+353-1-903-9220
+35319039221 +353 1 903 9221 (01) 903 9221 tel:+353-1-903-9221
+35319039231 +353 1 903 9231 (01) 903 9231 tel:+353-1-903-9231
+35319039821 +353 1 903 9821 (01) 903 9821 tel:+353-1-903-9821
+35319099311 +353 1 909 9311 (01) 909 9311 tel:+353-1-909-9311
+35315132773 +353 1 513 2773 (01) 513 2773 tel:+353-1-513-2773
+35315133137 +353 1 513 3137 (01) 513 3137 tel:+353-1-513-3137
+35315133308 +353 1 513 3308 (01) 513 3308 tel:+353-1-513-3308
+35315133384 +353 1 513 3384 (01) 513 3384 tel:+353-1-513-3384
+35315134688 +353 1 513 4688 (01) 513 4688 tel:+353-1-513-4688
+35315137426 +353 1 513 7426 (01) 513 7426 tel:+353-1-513-7426
+35315137428 +353 1 513 7428 (01) 513 7428 tel:+353-1-513-7428
+35315137441 +353 1 513 7441 (01) 513 7441 tel:+353-1-513-7441
+35315691119 +353 1 569 1119 (01) 569 1119 tel:+353-1-569-1119
+35318330808 +353 1 833 0808 (01) 833 0808 tel:+353-1-833-0808
+35317662970 +353 1 766 2970 (01) 766 2970 tel:+353-1-766-2970
+35314861849 +353 1 486 1849 (01) 486 1849 tel:+353-1-486-1849