Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 15:38
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 15:38.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393922283093 +39 392 228 3093 392 228 3093 tel:+39-392-228-3093
+393922373689 +39 392 237 3689 392 237 3689 tel:+39-392-237-3689
+393922374555 +39 392 237 4555 392 237 4555 tel:+39-392-237-4555
+393922380049 +39 392 238 0049 392 238 0049 tel:+39-392-238-0049
+393922398604 +39 392 239 8604 392 239 8604 tel:+39-392-239-8604
+393922431115 +39 392 243 1115 392 243 1115 tel:+39-392-243-1115
+393922438481 +39 392 243 8481 392 243 8481 tel:+39-392-243-8481
+393922443063 +39 392 244 3063 392 244 3063 tel:+39-392-244-3063
+393922471548 +39 392 247 1548 392 247 1548 tel:+39-392-247-1548
+393922473911 +39 392 247 3911 392 247 3911 tel:+39-392-247-3911
+393922473912 +39 392 247 3912 392 247 3912 tel:+39-392-247-3912
+393922473913 +39 392 247 3913 392 247 3913 tel:+39-392-247-3913
+393922490013 +39 392 249 0013 392 249 0013 tel:+39-392-249-0013
+393922510847 +39 392 251 0847 392 251 0847 tel:+39-392-251-0847
+393922510848 +39 392 251 0848 392 251 0848 tel:+39-392-251-0848
+393922510849 +39 392 251 0849 392 251 0849 tel:+39-392-251-0849
+393922530138 +39 392 253 0138 392 253 0138 tel:+39-392-253-0138
+393922557720 +39 392 255 7720 392 255 7720 tel:+39-392-255-7720
+393922567266 +39 392 256 7266 392 256 7266 tel:+39-392-256-7266
+393922576777 +39 392 257 6777 392 257 6777 tel:+39-392-257-6777
+393922596243 +39 392 259 6243 392 259 6243 tel:+39-392-259-6243
+393922645816 +39 392 264 5816 392 264 5816 tel:+39-392-264-5816
+393922664017 +39 392 266 4017 392 266 4017 tel:+39-392-266-4017
+393922695008 +39 392 269 5008 392 269 5008 tel:+39-392-269-5008
+393922996559 +39 392 299 6559 392 299 6559 tel:+39-392-299-6559
+393922996642 +39 392 299 6642 392 299 6642 tel:+39-392-299-6642
+393923153948 +39 392 315 3948 392 315 3948 tel:+39-392-315-3948
+393923158943 +39 392 315 8943 392 315 8943 tel:+39-392-315-8943
+393923167957 +39 392 316 7957 392 316 7957 tel:+39-392-316-7957
+393923198239 +39 392 319 8239 392 319 8239 tel:+39-392-319-8239
+393923208083 +39 392 320 8083 392 320 8083 tel:+39-392-320-8083
+393923215886 +39 392 321 5886 392 321 5886 tel:+39-392-321-5886
+393923332476 +39 392 333 2476 392 333 2476 tel:+39-392-333-2476
+393923337334 +39 392 333 7334 392 333 7334 tel:+39-392-333-7334
+393923345566 +39 392 334 5566 392 334 5566 tel:+39-392-334-5566
+393923387181 +39 392 338 7181 392 338 7181 tel:+39-392-338-7181
+393923387376 +39 392 338 7376 392 338 7376 tel:+39-392-338-7376
+393923490907 +39 392 349 0907 392 349 0907 tel:+39-392-349-0907
+393923504079 +39 392 350 4079 392 350 4079 tel:+39-392-350-4079
+393923510774 +39 392 351 0774 392 351 0774 tel:+39-392-351-0774
+393923538123 +39 392 353 8123 392 353 8123 tel:+39-392-353-8123
+393923560135 +39 392 356 0135 392 356 0135 tel:+39-392-356-0135
+393923701641 +39 392 370 1641 392 370 1641 tel:+39-392-370-1641
+393923719420 +39 392 371 9420 392 371 9420 tel:+39-392-371-9420
+393923720224 +39 392 372 0224 392 372 0224 tel:+39-392-372-0224
+393923737471 +39 392 373 7471 392 373 7471 tel:+39-392-373-7471
+393923817253 +39 392 381 7253 392 381 7253 tel:+39-392-381-7253
+393923956880 +39 392 395 6880 392 395 6880 tel:+39-392-395-6880
+393924092375 +39 392 409 2375 392 409 2375 tel:+39-392-409-2375
+393924185967 +39 392 418 5967 392 418 5967 tel:+39-392-418-5967