Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:54
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 03:54.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393452774621 +39 345 277 4621 345 277 4621 tel:+39-345-277-4621
+39418687086 +39 418687086 418687086 tel:+39-418687086
+395119937466 +39 51 1993 7466 51 1993 7466 tel:+39-51-1993-7466
+393792639318 +39 379 263 9318 379 263 9318 tel:+39-379-263-9318
+395119937499 +39 51 1993 7499 51 1993 7499 tel:+39-51-1993-7499
+393453918161 +39 345 391 8161 345 391 8161 tel:+39-345-391-8161
+393533630068 +39 353 363 0068 353 363 0068 tel:+39-353-363-0068
+393443060394 +39 344 306 0394 344 306 0394 tel:+39-344-306-0394
+39698240923 +39 698240923 698240923 tel:+39-698240923
+393423125731 +39 342 312 5731 342 312 5731 tel:+39-342-312-5731
+393420107332 +39 342 010 7332 342 010 7332 tel:+39-342-010-7332
+393802046601 +39 380 204 6601 380 204 6601 tel:+39-380-204-6601
+393470269806 +39 347 026 9806 347 026 9806 tel:+39-347-026-9806
+393479087630 +39 347 908 7630 347 908 7630 tel:+39-347-908-7630
+393444052473 +39 344 405 2473 344 405 2473 tel:+39-344-405-2473
+393405363946 +39 340 536 3946 340 536 3946 tel:+39-340-536-3946
+393420571427 +39 342 057 1427 342 057 1427 tel:+39-342-057-1427
+393408348620 +39 340 834 8620 340 834 8620 tel:+39-340-834-8620
+393761804846 +39 376 180 4846 376 180 4846 tel:+39-376-180-4846
+393318955411 +39 331 895 5411 331 895 5411 tel:+39-331-895-5411
+393277310162 +39 327 731 0162 327 731 0162 tel:+39-327-731-0162
+393608521420 +39 360 852 1420 360 852 1420 tel:+39-360-852-1420
+393713076998 +39 371 307 6998 371 307 6998 tel:+39-371-307-6998
+393421078923 +39 342 107 8923 342 107 8923 tel:+39-342-107-8923
+393501524067 +39 350 152 4067 350 152 4067 tel:+39-350-152-4067
+393494475236 +39 349 447 5236 349 447 5236 tel:+39-349-447-5236
+393495469110 +39 349 546 9110 349 546 9110 tel:+39-349-546-9110
+393716474380 +39 371 647 4380 371 647 4380 tel:+39-371-647-4380
+393405989301 +39 340 598 9301 340 598 9301 tel:+39-340-598-9301
+393423549559 +39 342 354 9559 342 354 9559 tel:+39-342-354-9559
+393473394258 +39 347 339 4258 347 339 4258 tel:+39-347-339-4258
+393511959248 +39 351 195 9248 351 195 9248 tel:+39-351-195-9248
+393909391458 +39 390 939 1458 390 939 1458 tel:+39-390-939-1458
+393509886504 +39 350 988 6504 350 988 6504 tel:+39-350-988-6504
+39289626750 +39 289626750 289626750 tel:+39-289626750
+393281758289 +39 328 175 8289 328 175 8289 tel:+39-328-175-8289
+393287808948 +39 328 780 8948 328 780 8948 tel:+39-328-780-8948
+393714816020 +39 371 481 6020 371 481 6020 tel:+39-371-481-6020
+393314080224 +39 331 408 0224 331 408 0224 tel:+39-331-408-0224
+393208337602 +39 320 833 7602 320 833 7602 tel:+39-320-833-7602
+393406885945 +39 340 688 5945 340 688 5945 tel:+39-340-688-5945
+393887498669 +39 388 749 8669 388 749 8669 tel:+39-388-749-8669
+393509213223 +39 350 921 3223 350 921 3223 tel:+39-350-921-3223
+393445538696 +39 344 553 8696 344 553 8696 tel:+39-344-553-8696
+393807754715 +39 380 775 4715 380 775 4715 tel:+39-380-775-4715
+393780305869 +39 378 030 5869 378 030 5869 tel:+39-378-030-5869
+393512207984 +39 351 220 7984 351 220 7984 tel:+39-351-220-7984
+393714533207 +39 371 453 3207 371 453 3207 tel:+39-371-453-3207
+393556323425 +39 355 632 3425 355 632 3425 tel:+39-355-632-3425
+393714383090 +39 371 438 3090 371 438 3090 tel:+39-371-438-3090