Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 16:49
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 16:49.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393458097178 +39 345 809 7178 345 809 7178 tel:+39-345-809-7178
+393458859977 +39 345 885 9977 345 885 9977 tel:+39-345-885-9977
+393783033627 +39 378 303 3627 378 303 3627 tel:+39-378-303-3627
+393316870412 +39 331 687 0412 331 687 0412 tel:+39-331-687-0412
+393316870413 +39 331 687 0413 331 687 0413 tel:+39-331-687-0413
+393289132129 +39 328 913 2129 328 913 2129 tel:+39-328-913-2129
+393409011544 +39 340 901 1544 340 901 1544 tel:+39-340-901-1544
+393517549870 +39 351 754 9870 351 754 9870 tel:+39-351-754-9870
+393481615286 +39 348 161 5286 348 161 5286 tel:+39-348-161-5286
+393472828036 +39 347 282 8036 347 282 8036 tel:+39-347-282-8036
+39686726966 +39 686726966 686726966 tel:+39-686726966
+393477943844 +39 347 794 3844 347 794 3844 tel:+39-347-794-3844
+393348363533 +39 334 836 3533 334 836 3533 tel:+39-334-836-3533
+393791805588 +39 379 180 5588 379 180 5588 tel:+39-379-180-5588
+393304637150 +39 330 463 7150 330 463 7150 tel:+39-330-463-7150
+393406054516 +39 340 605 4516 340 605 4516 tel:+39-340-605-4516
+393663214775 +39 366 321 4775 366 321 4775 tel:+39-366-321-4775
+393446266451 +39 344 626 6451 344 626 6451 tel:+39-344-626-6451
+393452796485 +39 345 279 6485 345 279 6485 tel:+39-345-279-6485
+393467350736 +39 346 735 0736 346 735 0736 tel:+39-346-735-0736
+393664802377 +39 366 480 2377 366 480 2377 tel:+39-366-480-2377
+393464023783 +39 346 402 3783 346 402 3783 tel:+39-346-402-3783
+393443643672 +39 344 364 3672 344 364 3672 tel:+39-344-364-3672
+393475005361 +39 347 500 5361 347 500 5361 tel:+39-347-500-5361
+393881813359 +39 388 181 3359 388 181 3359 tel:+39-388-181-3359
+393379444836 +39 337 944 4836 337 944 4836 tel:+39-337-944-4836
+393460374798 +39 346 037 4798 346 037 4798 tel:+39-346-037-4798
+393421780092 +39 342 178 0092 342 178 0092 tel:+39-342-178-0092
+397611680504 +39 7611680504 7611680504 tel:+39-7611680504
+393475544006 +39 347 554 4006 347 554 4006 tel:+39-347-554-4006
+393483216154 +39 348 321 6154 348 321 6154 tel:+39-348-321-6154
+393404014520 +39 340 401 4520 340 401 4520 tel:+39-340-401-4520
+393491955917 +39 349 195 5917 349 195 5917 tel:+39-349-195-5917
+393465266769 +39 346 526 6769 346 526 6769 tel:+39-346-526-6769
+393451045805 +39 345 104 5805 345 104 5805 tel:+39-345-104-5805
+393756151137 +39 375 615 1137 375 615 1137 tel:+39-375-615-1137
+393408860722 +39 340 886 0722 340 886 0722 tel:+39-340-886-0722
+393761962528 +39 376 196 2528 376 196 2528 tel:+39-376-196-2528
+393465203742 +39 346 520 3742 346 520 3742 tel:+39-346-520-3742
+393409644532 +39 340 964 4532 340 964 4532 tel:+39-340-964-4532
+393374152536 +39 337 415 2536 337 415 2536 tel:+39-337-415-2536
+393388682514 +39 338 868 2514 338 868 2514 tel:+39-338-868-2514
+393490534560 +39 349 053 4560 349 053 4560 tel:+39-349-053-4560
+393480925623 +39 348 092 5623 348 092 5623 tel:+39-348-092-5623
+393460962964 +39 346 096 2964 346 096 2964 tel:+39-346-096-2964
+393420107428 +39 342 010 7428 342 010 7428 tel:+39-342-010-7428
+393420107438 +39 342 010 7438 342 010 7438 tel:+39-342-010-7438
+393395484048 +39 339 548 4048 339 548 4048 tel:+39-339-548-4048
+393397953583 +39 339 795 3583 339 795 3583 tel:+39-339-795-3583
+393461228652 +39 346 122 8652 346 122 8652 tel:+39-346-122-8652