Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 09:52
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 09:52.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393513801085 +39 351 380 1085 351 380 1085 tel:+39-351-380-1085
+393409781556 +39 340 978 1556 340 978 1556 tel:+39-340-978-1556
+393467296989 +39 346 729 6989 346 729 6989 tel:+39-346-729-6989
+393424906554 +39 342 490 6554 342 490 6554 tel:+39-342-490-6554
+393475122703 +39 347 512 2703 347 512 2703 tel:+39-347-512-2703
+393756835103 +39 375 683 5103 375 683 5103 tel:+39-375-683-5103
+393493793245 +39 349 379 3245 349 379 3245 tel:+39-349-379-3245
+393483674495 +39 348 367 4495 348 367 4495 tel:+39-348-367-4495
+393425176462 +39 342 517 6462 342 517 6462 tel:+39-342-517-6462
+393490856960 +39 349 085 6960 349 085 6960 tel:+39-349-085-6960
+393404834033 +39 340 483 4033 340 483 4033 tel:+39-340-483-4033
+393493431948 +39 349 343 1948 349 343 1948 tel:+39-349-343-1948
+393484405048 +39 348 440 5048 348 440 5048 tel:+39-348-440-5048
+393487802117 +39 348 780 2117 348 780 2117 tel:+39-348-780-2117
+393499865233 +39 349 986 5233 349 986 5233 tel:+39-349-986-5233
+393533658164 +39 353 365 8164 353 365 8164 tel:+39-353-365-8164
+39685875780 +39 685875780 685875780 tel:+39-685875780
+393481353522 +39 348 135 3522 348 135 3522 tel:+39-348-135-3522
+393405374289 +39 340 537 4289 340 537 4289 tel:+39-340-537-4289
+393349663686 +39 334 966 3686 334 966 3686 tel:+39-334-966-3686
+393497718710 +39 349 771 8710 349 771 8710 tel:+39-349-771-8710
+393511508951 +39 351 150 8951 351 150 8951 tel:+39-351-150-8951
+393444247735 +39 344 424 7735 344 424 7735 tel:+39-344-424-7735
+393487843910 +39 348 784 3910 348 784 3910 tel:+39-348-784-3910
+393246993825 +39 324 699 3825 324 699 3825 tel:+39-324-699-3825
+391119120127 +39 1119120127 1119120127 tel:+39-1119120127
+393802259936 +39 380 225 9936 380 225 9936 tel:+39-380-225-9936
+393717211842 +39 371 721 1842 371 721 1842 tel:+39-371-721-1842
+393480647948 +39 348 064 7948 348 064 7948 tel:+39-348-064-7948
+393406138934 +39 340 613 8934 340 613 8934 tel:+39-340-613-8934
+393354616982 +39 335 461 6982 335 461 6982 tel:+39-335-461-6982
+393499502290 +39 349 950 2290 349 950 2290 tel:+39-349-950-2290
+393407539694 +39 340 753 9694 340 753 9694 tel:+39-340-753-9694