Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:20
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 03:20.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393408124785 +39 340 812 4785 340 812 4785 tel:+39-340-812-4785
+393408265640 +39 340 826 5640 340 826 5640 tel:+39-340-826-5640
+393408266208 +39 340 826 6208 340 826 6208 tel:+39-340-826-6208
+393408415300 +39 340 841 5300 340 841 5300 tel:+39-340-841-5300
+393408530177 +39 340 853 0177 340 853 0177 tel:+39-340-853-0177
+393408565748 +39 340 856 5748 340 856 5748 tel:+39-340-856-5748
+393408596077 +39 340 859 6077 340 859 6077 tel:+39-340-859-6077
+393408638338 +39 340 863 8338 340 863 8338 tel:+39-340-863-8338
+393408674992 +39 340 867 4992 340 867 4992 tel:+39-340-867-4992
+393408690800 +39 340 869 0800 340 869 0800 tel:+39-340-869-0800
+393408759983 +39 340 875 9983 340 875 9983 tel:+39-340-875-9983
+393408881185 +39 340 888 1185 340 888 1185 tel:+39-340-888-1185
+393408953654 +39 340 895 3654 340 895 3654 tel:+39-340-895-3654
+393409010085 +39 340 901 0085 340 901 0085 tel:+39-340-901-0085
+393409037228 +39 340 903 7228 340 903 7228 tel:+39-340-903-7228
+393409110966 +39 340 911 0966 340 911 0966 tel:+39-340-911-0966
+393409185624 +39 340 918 5624 340 918 5624 tel:+39-340-918-5624
+393409186563 +39 340 918 6563 340 918 6563 tel:+39-340-918-6563
+393409350971 +39 340 935 0971 340 935 0971 tel:+39-340-935-0971
+393409362579 +39 340 936 2579 340 936 2579 tel:+39-340-936-2579
+393409375585 +39 340 937 5585 340 937 5585 tel:+39-340-937-5585
+393409425847 +39 340 942 5847 340 942 5847 tel:+39-340-942-5847
+393409490886 +39 340 949 0886 340 949 0886 tel:+39-340-949-0886
+393409633553 +39 340 963 3553 340 963 3553 tel:+39-340-963-3553
+393409660857 +39 340 966 0857 340 966 0857 tel:+39-340-966-0857
+393409664587 +39 340 966 4587 340 966 4587 tel:+39-340-966-4587
+393409682160 +39 340 968 2160 340 968 2160 tel:+39-340-968-2160
+393409711388 +39 340 971 1388 340 971 1388 tel:+39-340-971-1388
+393409900043 +39 340 990 0043 340 990 0043 tel:+39-340-990-0043
+393409906633 +39 340 990 6633 340 990 6633 tel:+39-340-990-6633
+393409966211 +39 340 996 6211 340 996 6211 tel:+39-340-996-6211
+393411476041 +39 341 147 6041 341 147 6041 tel:+39-341-147-6041
+393411680082 +39 341 168 0082 341 168 0082 tel:+39-341-168-0082
+393420038285 +39 342 003 8285 342 003 8285 tel:+39-342-003-8285
+393420111050 +39 342 011 1050 342 011 1050 tel:+39-342-011-1050
+393420149857 +39 342 014 9857 342 014 9857 tel:+39-342-014-9857
+393420362509 +39 342 036 2509 342 036 2509 tel:+39-342-036-2509
+393420371744 +39 342 037 1744 342 037 1744 tel:+39-342-037-1744
+393420413929 +39 342 041 3929 342 041 3929 tel:+39-342-041-3929
+393420425232 +39 342 042 5232 342 042 5232 tel:+39-342-042-5232
+393420426427 +39 342 042 6427 342 042 6427 tel:+39-342-042-6427
+393420435523 +39 342 043 5523 342 043 5523 tel:+39-342-043-5523
+393420467081 +39 342 046 7081 342 046 7081 tel:+39-342-046-7081
+393420486248 +39 342 048 6248 342 048 6248 tel:+39-342-048-6248
+393420488726 +39 342 048 8726 342 048 8726 tel:+39-342-048-8726
+393420494130 +39 342 049 4130 342 049 4130 tel:+39-342-049-4130
+393420597896 +39 342 059 7896 342 059 7896 tel:+39-342-059-7896
+393420641265 +39 342 064 1265 342 064 1265 tel:+39-342-064-1265
+393420698602 +39 342 069 8602 342 069 8602 tel:+39-342-069-8602
+393420854637 +39 342 085 4637 342 085 4637 tel:+39-342-085-4637