Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 17:01
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 17:01.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393429174036 +39 342 917 4036 342 917 4036 tel:+39-342-917-4036
+393429196751 +39 342 919 6751 342 919 6751 tel:+39-342-919-6751
+393429196826 +39 342 919 6826 342 919 6826 tel:+39-342-919-6826
+393429198971 +39 342 919 8971 342 919 8971 tel:+39-342-919-8971
+393429215541 +39 342 921 5541 342 921 5541 tel:+39-342-921-5541
+393429467805 +39 342 946 7805 342 946 7805 tel:+39-342-946-7805
+393429472403 +39 342 947 2403 342 947 2403 tel:+39-342-947-2403
+393429493730 +39 342 949 3730 342 949 3730 tel:+39-342-949-3730
+393429545857 +39 342 954 5857 342 954 5857 tel:+39-342-954-5857
+393429589210 +39 342 958 9210 342 958 9210 tel:+39-342-958-9210
+393429711895 +39 342 971 1895 342 971 1895 tel:+39-342-971-1895
+393429718437 +39 342 971 8437 342 971 8437 tel:+39-342-971-8437
+393429725936 +39 342 972 5936 342 972 5936 tel:+39-342-972-5936
+393429913506 +39 342 991 3506 342 991 3506 tel:+39-342-991-3506
+393429935250 +39 342 993 5250 342 993 5250 tel:+39-342-993-5250
+393429937556 +39 342 993 7556 342 993 7556 tel:+39-342-993-7556
+393429938121 +39 342 993 8121 342 993 8121 tel:+39-342-993-8121
+393429950106 +39 342 995 0106 342 995 0106 tel:+39-342-995-0106
+393429957760 +39 342 995 7760 342 995 7760 tel:+39-342-995-7760
+393429973786 +39 342 997 3786 342 997 3786 tel:+39-342-997-3786
+393440055453 +39 344 005 5453 344 005 5453 tel:+39-344-005-5453
+393440063680 +39 344 006 3680 344 006 3680 tel:+39-344-006-3680
+393440098741 +39 344 009 8741 344 009 8741 tel:+39-344-009-8741
+393440100340 +39 344 010 0340 344 010 0340 tel:+39-344-010-0340
+393440104179 +39 344 010 4179 344 010 4179 tel:+39-344-010-4179
+393440109381 +39 344 010 9381 344 010 9381 tel:+39-344-010-9381
+393440120875 +39 344 012 0875 344 012 0875 tel:+39-344-012-0875
+393440130179 +39 344 013 0179 344 013 0179 tel:+39-344-013-0179
+393440130205 +39 344 013 0205 344 013 0205 tel:+39-344-013-0205
+393440130227 +39 344 013 0227 344 013 0227 tel:+39-344-013-0227
+393440130262 +39 344 013 0262 344 013 0262 tel:+39-344-013-0262
+393440130394 +39 344 013 0394 344 013 0394 tel:+39-344-013-0394
+393440130422 +39 344 013 0422 344 013 0422 tel:+39-344-013-0422
+393440130704 +39 344 013 0704 344 013 0704 tel:+39-344-013-0704
+393440130894 +39 344 013 0894 344 013 0894 tel:+39-344-013-0894
+393440131171 +39 344 013 1171 344 013 1171 tel:+39-344-013-1171
+393440131185 +39 344 013 1185 344 013 1185 tel:+39-344-013-1185
+393440131429 +39 344 013 1429 344 013 1429 tel:+39-344-013-1429
+393440131513 +39 344 013 1513 344 013 1513 tel:+39-344-013-1513
+393440131572 +39 344 013 1572 344 013 1572 tel:+39-344-013-1572
+393440131586 +39 344 013 1586 344 013 1586 tel:+39-344-013-1586
+393440131618 +39 344 013 1618 344 013 1618 tel:+39-344-013-1618
+393440131646 +39 344 013 1646 344 013 1646 tel:+39-344-013-1646
+393440131676 +39 344 013 1676 344 013 1676 tel:+39-344-013-1676
+393440131755 +39 344 013 1755 344 013 1755 tel:+39-344-013-1755
+393440131936 +39 344 013 1936 344 013 1936 tel:+39-344-013-1936
+393440131964 +39 344 013 1964 344 013 1964 tel:+39-344-013-1964
+393440131970 +39 344 013 1970 344 013 1970 tel:+39-344-013-1970
+393440132175 +39 344 013 2175 344 013 2175 tel:+39-344-013-2175
+393440132208 +39 344 013 2208 344 013 2208 tel:+39-344-013-2208