Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 18:53
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 18:53.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393478855772 +39 347 885 5772 347 885 5772 tel:+39-347-885-5772
+393478861923 +39 347 886 1923 347 886 1923 tel:+39-347-886-1923
+393478870907 +39 347 887 0907 347 887 0907 tel:+39-347-887-0907
+393478903710 +39 347 890 3710 347 890 3710 tel:+39-347-890-3710
+393478910105 +39 347 891 0105 347 891 0105 tel:+39-347-891-0105
+393478924290 +39 347 892 4290 347 892 4290 tel:+39-347-892-4290
+393478924526 +39 347 892 4526 347 892 4526 tel:+39-347-892-4526
+393478948588 +39 347 894 8588 347 894 8588 tel:+39-347-894-8588
+393478956623 +39 347 895 6623 347 895 6623 tel:+39-347-895-6623
+393478963700 +39 347 896 3700 347 896 3700 tel:+39-347-896-3700
+393478979821 +39 347 897 9821 347 897 9821 tel:+39-347-897-9821
+393478980449 +39 347 898 0449 347 898 0449 tel:+39-347-898-0449
+393478990455 +39 347 899 0455 347 899 0455 tel:+39-347-899-0455
+393478993871 +39 347 899 3871 347 899 3871 tel:+39-347-899-3871
+393479048358 +39 347 904 8358 347 904 8358 tel:+39-347-904-8358
+393479074513 +39 347 907 4513 347 907 4513 tel:+39-347-907-4513
+393479079311 +39 347 907 9311 347 907 9311 tel:+39-347-907-9311
+393479131569 +39 347 913 1569 347 913 1569 tel:+39-347-913-1569
+393479230024 +39 347 923 0024 347 923 0024 tel:+39-347-923-0024
+393479230533 +39 347 923 0533 347 923 0533 tel:+39-347-923-0533
+393479244052 +39 347 924 4052 347 924 4052 tel:+39-347-924-4052
+393479255181 +39 347 925 5181 347 925 5181 tel:+39-347-925-5181
+393479261316 +39 347 926 1316 347 926 1316 tel:+39-347-926-1316
+393479266789 +39 347 926 6789 347 926 6789 tel:+39-347-926-6789
+393479288842 +39 347 928 8842 347 928 8842 tel:+39-347-928-8842
+393479366384 +39 347 936 6384 347 936 6384 tel:+39-347-936-6384
+393479447567 +39 347 944 7567 347 944 7567 tel:+39-347-944-7567
+393479448285 +39 347 944 8285 347 944 8285 tel:+39-347-944-8285
+393479525060 +39 347 952 5060 347 952 5060 tel:+39-347-952-5060
+393479601496 +39 347 960 1496 347 960 1496 tel:+39-347-960-1496
+393479637312 +39 347 963 7312 347 963 7312 tel:+39-347-963-7312
+393479673057 +39 347 967 3057 347 967 3057 tel:+39-347-967-3057
+393479675916 +39 347 967 5916 347 967 5916 tel:+39-347-967-5916
+393479679921 +39 347 967 9921 347 967 9921 tel:+39-347-967-9921
+393479687403 +39 347 968 7403 347 968 7403 tel:+39-347-968-7403
+393479693754 +39 347 969 3754 347 969 3754 tel:+39-347-969-3754
+393479744628 +39 347 974 4628 347 974 4628 tel:+39-347-974-4628
+393479779906 +39 347 977 9906 347 977 9906 tel:+39-347-977-9906
+393479919738 +39 347 991 9738 347 991 9738 tel:+39-347-991-9738
+393479923250 +39 347 992 3250 347 992 3250 tel:+39-347-992-3250
+393479925615 +39 347 992 5615 347 992 5615 tel:+39-347-992-5615
+393480024915 +39 348 002 4915 348 002 4915 tel:+39-348-002-4915
+393480046672 +39 348 004 6672 348 004 6672 tel:+39-348-004-6672
+393480053884 +39 348 005 3884 348 005 3884 tel:+39-348-005-3884
+393480145199 +39 348 014 5199 348 014 5199 tel:+39-348-014-5199
+393480154826 +39 348 015 4826 348 015 4826 tel:+39-348-015-4826
+393480175670 +39 348 017 5670 348 017 5670 tel:+39-348-017-5670
+393480184431 +39 348 018 4431 348 018 4431 tel:+39-348-018-4431
+393480223656 +39 348 022 3656 348 022 3656 tel:+39-348-022-3656
+393480329584 +39 348 032 9584 348 032 9584 tel:+39-348-032-9584