Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 19:12
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 19:12.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393669139588 +39 366 913 9588 366 913 9588 tel:+39-366-913-9588
+393669140513 +39 366 914 0513 366 914 0513 tel:+39-366-914-0513
+393669140514 +39 366 914 0514 366 914 0514 tel:+39-366-914-0514
+393669142012 +39 366 914 2012 366 914 2012 tel:+39-366-914-2012
+393669142746 +39 366 914 2746 366 914 2746 tel:+39-366-914-2746
+393669142747 +39 366 914 2747 366 914 2747 tel:+39-366-914-2747
+393669142751 +39 366 914 2751 366 914 2751 tel:+39-366-914-2751
+393669142754 +39 366 914 2754 366 914 2754 tel:+39-366-914-2754
+393669142755 +39 366 914 2755 366 914 2755 tel:+39-366-914-2755
+393669142812 +39 366 914 2812 366 914 2812 tel:+39-366-914-2812
+393669142814 +39 366 914 2814 366 914 2814 tel:+39-366-914-2814
+393669142817 +39 366 914 2817 366 914 2817 tel:+39-366-914-2817
+393669142819 +39 366 914 2819 366 914 2819 tel:+39-366-914-2819
+393669142820 +39 366 914 2820 366 914 2820 tel:+39-366-914-2820
+393669143634 +39 366 914 3634 366 914 3634 tel:+39-366-914-3634
+393669143649 +39 366 914 3649 366 914 3649 tel:+39-366-914-3649
+393669143651 +39 366 914 3651 366 914 3651 tel:+39-366-914-3651
+393669144089 +39 366 914 4089 366 914 4089 tel:+39-366-914-4089
+393669144094 +39 366 914 4094 366 914 4094 tel:+39-366-914-4094
+393669144353 +39 366 914 4353 366 914 4353 tel:+39-366-914-4353
+393669144356 +39 366 914 4356 366 914 4356 tel:+39-366-914-4356
+393669144570 +39 366 914 4570 366 914 4570 tel:+39-366-914-4570
+393669144572 +39 366 914 4572 366 914 4572 tel:+39-366-914-4572
+393669144638 +39 366 914 4638 366 914 4638 tel:+39-366-914-4638
+393669144647 +39 366 914 4647 366 914 4647 tel:+39-366-914-4647
+393669144823 +39 366 914 4823 366 914 4823 tel:+39-366-914-4823
+393669144828 +39 366 914 4828 366 914 4828 tel:+39-366-914-4828
+393669144834 +39 366 914 4834 366 914 4834 tel:+39-366-914-4834
+393669144849 +39 366 914 4849 366 914 4849 tel:+39-366-914-4849
+393669144902 +39 366 914 4902 366 914 4902 tel:+39-366-914-4902
+393669144903 +39 366 914 4903 366 914 4903 tel:+39-366-914-4903
+393669144908 +39 366 914 4908 366 914 4908 tel:+39-366-914-4908
+393669145098 +39 366 914 5098 366 914 5098 tel:+39-366-914-5098
+393669145131 +39 366 914 5131 366 914 5131 tel:+39-366-914-5131
+393669211656 +39 366 921 1656 366 921 1656 tel:+39-366-921-1656
+393669335541 +39 366 933 5541 366 933 5541 tel:+39-366-933-5541
+393669445163 +39 366 944 5163 366 944 5163 tel:+39-366-944-5163
+393669588106 +39 366 958 8106 366 958 8106 tel:+39-366-958-8106
+393669588541 +39 366 958 8541 366 958 8541 tel:+39-366-958-8541
+393669589372 +39 366 958 9372 366 958 9372 tel:+39-366-958-9372
+393669589385 +39 366 958 9385 366 958 9385 tel:+39-366-958-9385
+39366965800 +39 366 965 800 366 965 800 tel:+39-366-965-800
+393669712125 +39 366 971 2125 366 971 2125 tel:+39-366-971-2125
+393669722234 +39 366 972 2234 366 972 2234 tel:+39-366-972-2234
+393669729447 +39 366 972 9447 366 972 9447 tel:+39-366-972-9447
+393669781570 +39 366 978 1570 366 978 1570 tel:+39-366-978-1570
+393669892621 +39 366 989 2621 366 989 2621 tel:+39-366-989-2621
+393669912148 +39 366 991 2148 366 991 2148 tel:+39-366-991-2148
+393669936584 +39 366 993 6584 366 993 6584 tel:+39-366-993-6584
+393669947003 +39 366 994 7003 366 994 7003 tel:+39-366-994-7003