Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:46
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 03:46.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393665610392 +39 366 561 0392 366 561 0392 tel:+39-366-561-0392
+393665644685 +39 366 564 4685 366 564 4685 tel:+39-366-564-4685
+393665702262 +39 366 570 2262 366 570 2262 tel:+39-366-570-2262
+393665706212 +39 366 570 6212 366 570 6212 tel:+39-366-570-6212
+393710984234 +39 371 098 4234 371 098 4234 tel:+39-371-098-4234
+393710984235 +39 371 098 4235 371 098 4235 tel:+39-371-098-4235
+393710984236 +39 371 098 4236 371 098 4236 tel:+39-371-098-4236
+393711125226 +39 371 112 5226 371 112 5226 tel:+39-371-112-5226
+393711129950 +39 371 112 9950 371 112 9950 tel:+39-371-112-9950
+393711141977 +39 371 114 1977 371 114 1977 tel:+39-371-114-1977
+393711143488 +39 371 114 3488 371 114 3488 tel:+39-371-114-3488
+393711143724 +39 371 114 3724 371 114 3724 tel:+39-371-114-3724
+393711155171 +39 371 115 5171 371 115 5171 tel:+39-371-115-5171
+393711155856 +39 371 115 5856 371 115 5856 tel:+39-371-115-5856
+393711156924 +39 371 115 6924 371 115 6924 tel:+39-371-115-6924
+393711157075 +39 371 115 7075 371 115 7075 tel:+39-371-115-7075
+393711161671 +39 371 116 1671 371 116 1671 tel:+39-371-116-1671
+393711162819 +39 371 116 2819 371 116 2819 tel:+39-371-116-2819
+393711165911 +39 371 116 5911 371 116 5911 tel:+39-371-116-5911
+393711166054 +39 371 116 6054 371 116 6054 tel:+39-371-116-6054
+393711166730 +39 371 116 6730 371 116 6730 tel:+39-371-116-6730
+393711181646 +39 371 118 1646 371 118 1646 tel:+39-371-118-1646
+393711185106 +39 371 118 5106 371 118 5106 tel:+39-371-118-5106
+393711185484 +39 371 118 5484 371 118 5484 tel:+39-371-118-5484
+393711185516 +39 371 118 5516 371 118 5516 tel:+39-371-118-5516
+393711187501 +39 371 118 7501 371 118 7501 tel:+39-371-118-7501
+393711187567 +39 371 118 7567 371 118 7567 tel:+39-371-118-7567
+393711286896 +39 371 128 6896 371 128 6896 tel:+39-371-128-6896
+393711304210 +39 371 130 4210 371 130 4210 tel:+39-371-130-4210
+393711307694 +39 371 130 7694 371 130 7694 tel:+39-371-130-7694
+393711307841 +39 371 130 7841 371 130 7841 tel:+39-371-130-7841
+393711354151 +39 371 135 4151 371 135 4151 tel:+39-371-135-4151
+393711378264 +39 371 137 8264 371 137 8264 tel:+39-371-137-8264
+393711416677 +39 371 141 6677 371 141 6677 tel:+39-371-141-6677
+393711421439 +39 371 142 1439 371 142 1439 tel:+39-371-142-1439
+393711431524 +39 371 143 1524 371 143 1524 tel:+39-371-143-1524
+393711463949 +39 371 146 3949 371 146 3949 tel:+39-371-146-3949
+393711465030 +39 371 146 5030 371 146 5030 tel:+39-371-146-5030
+393711468443 +39 371 146 8443 371 146 8443 tel:+39-371-146-8443
+393711477494 +39 371 147 7494 371 147 7494 tel:+39-371-147-7494
+393711477972 +39 371 147 7972 371 147 7972 tel:+39-371-147-7972
+393711478459 +39 371 147 8459 371 147 8459 tel:+39-371-147-8459
+393711493123 +39 371 149 3123 371 149 3123 tel:+39-371-149-3123
+393711539308 +39 371 153 9308 371 153 9308 tel:+39-371-153-9308
+393711560832 +39 371 156 0832 371 156 0832 tel:+39-371-156-0832
+393711570317 +39 371 157 0317 371 157 0317 tel:+39-371-157-0317
+393711570979 +39 371 157 0979 371 157 0979 tel:+39-371-157-0979
+393711573748 +39 371 157 3748 371 157 3748 tel:+39-371-157-3748
+393711578453 +39 371 157 8453 371 157 8453 tel:+39-371-157-8453
+393711581007 +39 371 158 1007 371 158 1007 tel:+39-371-158-1007