Myanmar Country Code 95

Country Codes
+95 / MM / MMR
Local time
53 708 395
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +95
E.164 (Country Code): 95
Emergency phone number: 999
Capital: Naypyidaw
Language: Burmese
Valuta: Myanmar Kyat (MMK)
Local Time: 05:17
Population: 53 708 395
Land Area: 678 500 KM2
Most common questions
Which country code is 95?
Country code +95?
Myanmar Dialling code
Myanmar Telephone code

Myanmar country codes

Myanmar has three different country codes, one of those is the numeric country code +95 which is what you dial before the phone number when you call a phone number in Myanmar from abroad. The two others are the ISO-codes MM and MMR.

How to call a phone number in Myanmar

Myanmar's country code is 95. If you are calling Myanmar from abroad, you must either write a plus sign (+) or two zeros (00) followed by its country code (+95 or 0095).
We have 1 telephone numbers from 51 different areas in Myanmar stored in our database.

In case of emergency

Myanmar has the same emergency number (999) for police, fire brigade and ambulance.

Local time and other details

Local time in Myanmar is 05:17. Myanmar has a land area of 678 500 KM2 and a population of 53 708 395 citiciens *2021-08-22.

Area code Area name
02 Amarapura
069 Aunglan
052 Bago
01 Bahan
01 Bayintnaung
043 Buthidaung
061 Chauk
059 Dawei
070 Hakha
058 Hpa-An
062 Kanma
086 Kyatpyin
086 Letpanhla
083 Loikaw
081 Loilem
063 Magway
056 Mandalay
082 Manton
057 Mawlamyine/Thanbyuzayat
02 Mingalar Mandalay
081 Moenae
086 Mogoke
071 Monywa
01 Myanmar (Burma)
058 Myawaddy
074 Myitkyinar/Bahmaw
081 Naungtayar
067 Naypyidaw
067 Naypyitaw
065 Ngape
052 Oathar Myothit
085 Ohn Chaw
085 Padaythar Myothit
043 Palatwa
042 Pathein
081 Pinlon
045 Pyapon
085 Pyinoolwin
081 Sesin
082 Shan (North)
075 Shwebo
069 Sinpaungwae
086 Sintkuu
043 Sittwe
056 Tandar
082 Tantyan
081 Taunggyi
054 Taungoo
086 Thabeikkyin
01 Yangon
Unspecified Area Unspecified Area