Netherlands Antilles Country Code 599

Country Codes
Netherlands Antilles
+599 / AN / ANT
Local time
Netherlands Antilles
Netherlands Antilles
136 197
Country Calling Code: +599
E.164 (Country Code): 599
Local Time: 02:34
Population: 136 197
Land Area: 960 KM2
Most common questions
Which country code is 599?
Country code +599?
Netherlands Antilles Dialling code
Netherlands Antilles Telephone code

Netherlands Antilles country codes

Netherlands Antilles has three different country codes, one of those is the numeric country code +599 which is what you dial before the phone number when you call a phone number in Netherlands Antilles from abroad. The two others are the ISO-codes AN and ANT.

How to call a phone number in Netherlands Antilles

Netherlands Antilles's country code is 599. If you are calling Netherlands Antilles from abroad, you must either write a plus sign (+) or two zeros (00) followed by its country code (+599 or 00599).
We have 0 telephone numbers from 6 different areas in Netherlands Antilles stored in our database.

Local time and other details

Local time in Netherlands Antilles is 02:34. Netherlands Antilles has a land area of 960 KM2 and a population of 136 197 citiciens .