Reported phone numbers in Nigeria (+234)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +234
E.164 (Country Code): 234
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Abuja
Language: English
Valuta: Nigerian Naira (NGN)
Local Time: 02:46
Timezone: Africa/Lagos
Population: 195 874 740
Land Area: 923 768 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Nigeria without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Nigeria but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Nigeria / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +234 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Nigeria is 02:46.

Unspecified phone numbers from Nigeria

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Nigeria.

+2348069287666 +234 806 928 7666 0806 928 7666 tel:+234-806-928-7666
+2349153576191 +234 915 357 6191 0915 357 6191 tel:+234-915-357-6191
+2347088549811 +234 708 854 9811 0708 854 9811 tel:+234-708-854-9811
+2348036436406 +234 803 643 6406 0803 643 6406 tel:+234-803-643-6406
+2348108392351 +234 810 839 2351 0810 839 2351 tel:+234-810-839-2351
+2349045027260 +234 904 502 7260 0904 502 7260 tel:+234-904-502-7260
+2349058059580 +234 905 805 9580 0905 805 9580 tel:+234-905-805-9580
+2349022252701 +234 902 225 2701 0902 225 2701 tel:+234-902-225-2701
+2349164089868 +234 916 408 9868 0916 408 9868 tel:+234-916-408-9868
+2349046339342 +234 904 633 9342 0904 633 9342 tel:+234-904-633-9342
+2349166689716 +234 916 668 9716 0916 668 9716 tel:+234-916-668-9716
+2347081252527 +234 708 125 2527 0708 125 2527 tel:+234-708-125-2527
+2348160154163 +234 816 015 4163 0816 015 4163 tel:+234-816-015-4163
+2349153304833 +234 915 330 4833 0915 330 4833 tel:+234-915-330-4833
+2348164654326 +234 816 465 4326 0816 465 4326 tel:+234-816-465-4326
+2347065014140 +234 706 501 4140 0706 501 4140 tel:+234-706-501-4140
+2348164892804 +234 816 489 2804 0816 489 2804 tel:+234-816-489-2804
+2348141888641 +234 814 188 8641 0814 188 8641 tel:+234-814-188-8641
+2348163363667 +234 816 336 3667 0816 336 3667 tel:+234-816-336-3667
+2349065260120 +234 906 526 0120 0906 526 0120 tel:+234-906-526-0120
+2347030539079 +234 703 053 9079 0703 053 9079 tel:+234-703-053-9079
+2348059409401 +234 805 940 9401 0805 940 9401 tel:+234-805-940-9401
+2348114258873 +234 811 425 8873 0811 425 8873 tel:+234-811-425-8873
+2348135946611 +234 813 594 6611 0813 594 6611 tel:+234-813-594-6611
+2347045880768 +234 704 588 0768 0704 588 0768 tel:+234-704-588-0768
+2347041207008 +234 704 120 7008 0704 120 7008 tel:+234-704-120-7008
+2347084951230 +234 708 495 1230 0708 495 1230 tel:+234-708-495-1230
+2349130852310 +234 913 085 2310 0913 085 2310 tel:+234-913-085-2310
+2349132746290 +234 913 274 6290 0913 274 6290 tel:+234-913-274-6290
+2348104000507 +234 810 400 0507 0810 400 0507 tel:+234-810-400-0507
+2348050290331 +234 805 029 0331 0805 029 0331 tel:+234-805-029-0331
+2349132935986 +234 913 293 5986 0913 293 5986 tel:+234-913-293-5986
+2347088820566 +234 708 882 0566 0708 882 0566 tel:+234-708-882-0566
+2349048744378 +234 904 874 4378 0904 874 4378 tel:+234-904-874-4378
+2347046301326 +234 704 630 1326 0704 630 1326 tel:+234-704-630-1326
+2347087775241 +234 708 777 5241 0708 777 5241 tel:+234-708-777-5241
+2348162633674 +234 816 263 3674 0816 263 3674 tel:+234-816-263-3674
+2347044892506 +234 704 489 2506 0704 489 2506 tel:+234-704-489-2506
+2348169317527 +234 816 931 7527 0816 931 7527 tel:+234-816-931-7527
+2349164420978 +234 916 442 0978 0916 442 0978 tel:+234-916-442-0978
+2348036630504 +234 803 663 0504 0803 663 0504 tel:+234-803-663-0504
+2349096577930 +234 909 657 7930 0909 657 7930 tel:+234-909-657-7930
+2348103572895 +234 810 357 2895 0810 357 2895 tel:+234-810-357-2895
+2348082381213 +234 808 238 1213 0808 238 1213 tel:+234-808-238-1213
+2349074005451 +234 907 400 5451 0907 400 5451 tel:+234-907-400-5451
+2349042533815 +234 904 253 3815 0904 253 3815 tel:+234-904-253-3815
+2348166865421 +234 816 686 5421 0816 686 5421 tel:+234-816-686-5421
+2349041553221 +234 904 155 3221 0904 155 3221 tel:+234-904-155-3221
+2349124714766 +234 912 471 4766 0912 471 4766 tel:+234-912-471-4766
+2348111051870 +234 811 105 1870 0811 105 1870 tel:+234-811-105-1870