Reported phone numbers in Norway (+47)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +47
E.164 (Country Code): 47
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Oslo
Language: Norwegian
Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål
Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian
Valuta: Norwegian Krone (NOK)
Local Time: 17:01
Timezone: Europe/Oslo
Land Area: 324 220 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Norway without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Norway but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Norway / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +47 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Buskerud is 17:01.

Reported phone numbers in Buskerud

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+4721019663 +47 21 01 96 63 21 01 96 63 tel:+47-21-01-96-63
+4721075529 +47 21 07 55 29 21 07 55 29 tel:+47-21-07-55-29
+4721081282 +47 21 08 12 82 21 08 12 82 tel:+47-21-08-12-82
+4721081288 +47 21 08 12 88 21 08 12 88 tel:+47-21-08-12-88
+4721087943 +47 21 08 79 43 21 08 79 43 tel:+47-21-08-79-43
+4721090395 +47 21 09 03 95 21 09 03 95 tel:+47-21-09-03-95
+4721403294 +47 21 40 32 94 21 40 32 94 tel:+47-21-40-32-94
+4721403355 +47 21 40 33 55 21 40 33 55 tel:+47-21-40-33-55
+4721403801 +47 21 40 38 01 21 40 38 01 tel:+47-21-40-38-01
+4721415463 +47 21 41 54 63 21 41 54 63 tel:+47-21-41-54-63
+4721415920 +47 21 41 59 20 21 41 59 20 tel:+47-21-41-59-20
+4721415926 +47 21 41 59 26 21 41 59 26 tel:+47-21-41-59-26
+4721416242 +47 21 41 62 42 21 41 62 42 tel:+47-21-41-62-42
+4721416246 +47 21 41 62 46 21 41 62 46 tel:+47-21-41-62-46
+4721416248 +47 21 41 62 48 21 41 62 48 tel:+47-21-41-62-48
+4721416290 +47 21 41 62 90 21 41 62 90 tel:+47-21-41-62-90
+4721497779 +47 21 49 77 79 21 49 77 79 tel:+47-21-49-77-79
+4721499000 +47 21 49 90 00 21 49 90 00 tel:+47-21-49-90-00
+4721504000 +47 21 50 40 00 21 50 40 00 tel:+47-21-50-40-00
+4721504060 +47 21 50 40 60 21 50 40 60 tel:+47-21-50-40-60
+4721507016 +47 21 50 70 16 21 50 70 16 tel:+47-21-50-70-16
+4721508700 +47 21 50 87 00 21 50 87 00 tel:+47-21-50-87-00
+4721508720 +47 21 50 87 20 21 50 87 20 tel:+47-21-50-87-20
+4721508845 +47 21 50 88 45 21 50 88 45 tel:+47-21-50-88-45
+4721519068 +47 21 51 90 68 21 51 90 68 tel:+47-21-51-90-68
+4721536855 +47 21 53 68 55 21 53 68 55 tel:+47-21-53-68-55
+4721542438 +47 21 54 24 38 21 54 24 38 tel:+47-21-54-24-38
+4721543200 +47 21 54 32 00 21 54 32 00 tel:+47-21-54-32-00
+4721544422 +47 21 54 44 22 21 54 44 22 tel:+47-21-54-44-22
+4721563245 +47 21 56 32 45 21 56 32 45 tel:+47-21-56-32-45
+4721566403 +47 21 56 64 03 21 56 64 03 tel:+47-21-56-64-03
+4721625780 +47 21 62 57 80 21 62 57 80 tel:+47-21-62-57-80
+4721626357 +47 21 62 63 57 21 62 63 57 tel:+47-21-62-63-57
+4721676559 +47 21 67 65 59 21 67 65 59 tel:+47-21-67-65-59
+4721676583 +47 21 67 65 83 21 67 65 83 tel:+47-21-67-65-83
+4721930590 +47 21 93 05 90 21 93 05 90 tel:+47-21-93-05-90
+4721939453 +47 21 93 94 53 21 93 94 53 tel:+47-21-93-94-53
+4721954405 +47 21 95 44 05 21 95 44 05 tel:+47-21-95-44-05
+4721955894 +47 21 95 58 94 21 95 58 94 tel:+47-21-95-58-94
+4721984113 +47 21 98 41 13 21 98 41 13 tel:+47-21-98-41-13
+4721984127 +47 21 98 41 27 21 98 41 27 tel:+47-21-98-41-27
+4721984161 +47 21 98 41 61 21 98 41 61 tel:+47-21-98-41-61
+4721984162 +47 21 98 41 62 21 98 41 62 tel:+47-21-98-41-62
+4721984163 +47 21 98 41 63 21 98 41 63 tel:+47-21-98-41-63
+4721984165 +47 21 98 41 65 21 98 41 65 tel:+47-21-98-41-65
+4721984172 +47 21 98 41 72 21 98 41 72 tel:+47-21-98-41-72
+4721995931 +47 21 99 59 31 21 99 59 31 tel:+47-21-99-59-31
+4721995939 +47 21 99 59 39 21 99 59 39 tel:+47-21-99-59-39
+4721999157 +47 21 99 91 57 21 99 91 57 tel:+47-21-99-91-57
+4721999160 +47 21 99 91 60 21 99 91 60 tel:+47-21-99-91-60