Reported phone numbers in Papua New Guinea (+675)

Local time
Papua New Guinea
Emergency phone number
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea
Port Moresby
Country Calling Code: +675
E.164 (Country Code): 675
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Port Moresby
Language: English
Valuta: Papua New Guinean Kina (PGK)
Local Time: 17:22
Timezone: Pacific/Bougainville
Population: 8 606 316
Land Area: 462 840 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Papua New Guinea without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Papua New Guinea but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Papua New Guinea / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +675 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Papua New Guinea is 17:22.

Unspecified phone numbers from Papua New Guinea

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Papua New Guinea.

+67570890238 +675 7089 0238 7089 0238 tel:+675-7089-0238
+67570890252 +675 7089 0252 7089 0252 tel:+675-7089-0252
+67570894023 +675 7089 4023 7089 4023 tel:+675-7089-4023
+67570894026 +675 7089 4026 7089 4026 tel:+675-7089-4026
+67570894029 +675 7089 4029 7089 4029 tel:+675-7089-4029
+67570894030 +675 7089 4030 7089 4030 tel:+675-7089-4030
+67570894035 +675 7089 4035 7089 4035 tel:+675-7089-4035
+67570894040 +675 7089 4040 7089 4040 tel:+675-7089-4040
+67570894043 +675 7089 4043 7089 4043 tel:+675-7089-4043
+67570894044 +675 7089 4044 7089 4044 tel:+675-7089-4044
+67570894045 +675 7089 4045 7089 4045 tel:+675-7089-4045
+67570894048 +675 7089 4048 7089 4048 tel:+675-7089-4048
+67570894051 +675 7089 4051 7089 4051 tel:+675-7089-4051
+67570894063 +675 7089 4063 7089 4063 tel:+675-7089-4063
+67570894064 +675 7089 4064 7089 4064 tel:+675-7089-4064
+67570894066 +675 7089 4066 7089 4066 tel:+675-7089-4066
+67570894068 +675 7089 4068 7089 4068 tel:+675-7089-4068
+67570894203 +675 7089 4203 7089 4203 tel:+675-7089-4203
+67570894204 +675 7089 4204 7089 4204 tel:+675-7089-4204
+67570894205 +675 7089 4205 7089 4205 tel:+675-7089-4205
+67570894215 +675 7089 4215 7089 4215 tel:+675-7089-4215
+67570894216 +675 7089 4216 7089 4216 tel:+675-7089-4216
+67570894217 +675 7089 4217 7089 4217 tel:+675-7089-4217
+67570894218 +675 7089 4218 7089 4218 tel:+675-7089-4218
+67570894299 +675 7089 4299 7089 4299 tel:+675-7089-4299
+67570894489 +675 7089 4489 7089 4489 tel:+675-7089-4489
+67570897825 +675 7089 7825 7089 7825 tel:+675-7089-7825
+67570897845 +675 7089 7845 7089 7845 tel:+675-7089-7845
+67572211481 +675 7221 1481 7221 1481 tel:+675-7221-1481
+67572211757 +675 7221 1757 7221 1757 tel:+675-7221-1757
+67572211772 +675 7221 1772 7221 1772 tel:+675-7221-1772
+67572211813 +675 7221 1813 7221 1813 tel:+675-7221-1813
+67572211815 +675 7221 1815 7221 1815 tel:+675-7221-1815
+67572211889 +675 7221 1889 7221 1889 tel:+675-7221-1889
+67570894508 +675 7089 4508 7089 4508 tel:+675-7089-4508