Paraguay Country Code 595

Country Codes
+595 / PY / PRY
Local time
6 956 071
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +595
E.164 (Country Code): 595
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Asunción
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Paraguayan Guarani (PYG)
Local Time: 02:48
Population: 6 956 071
Land Area: 406 750 KM2
Most common questions
Which country code is 595?
Country code +595?
Paraguay Dialling code
Paraguay Telephone code

Paraguay country codes

Paraguay has three different country codes, one of those is the numeric country code +595 which is what you dial before the phone number when you call a phone number in Paraguay from abroad. The two others are the ISO-codes PY and PRY.

How to call a phone number in Paraguay

Paraguay's country code is 595. If you are calling Paraguay from abroad, you must either write a plus sign (+) or two zeros (00) followed by its country code (+595 or 00595).
We have 3 telephone numbers from 74 different areas in Paraguay stored in our database.

In case of emergency

Paraguay has the same emergency number (911) for police, fire brigade and ambulance.

Local time and other details

Local time in Paraguay is 02:48. Paraguay has a land area of 406 750 KM2 and a population of 6 956 071 citiciens *2021-08-16.

Area code Area name State
0780 Alberdi
0291 Aregua
072 Ayolas
038 Bella Vista Norte
0767 Bella Vista Sur
0271 Benjamin Aceval
028 Capiata
0453 Capiibary
037 Capitan Bado
071 Capitan Miranda
0644 Cargil
0762 Carmen Del Parana
0633 Cedrales
0761 Colonia Fram
0451 Colonia Volendam
0632 Colonia Yguazu
0318 Concepcion
0741 Coronel Bogado
0345 Corpus Christi
048 Curuguaty
021 Fernando De La Mora, Lambare, Limpio, Luque, Mariano Roque Alonso, San Antonio, Valle Pucu and Villa Elisa
0743 General Artigas
0740 General Delgado
0787 General Diaz
0293 Guarambare
0631 Hernandarias
075 Hoenau
032 Horqueta
024 Ita
041 Itacurubi Del Rosario
0554 Itape
0294 Itaugua
0295 Jose Augusto Saldivar
0674 Juan E. O Leary
067 Juan Leon Mallorquin
0672 Kressburgo
0763 La Paz
0331 Loreto
0764 Maria Auxiliadora
0550 Mauricio Jose Troche
0671 Mayor Otano
0676 Naranjal
0292 Nueva Italia
0785 Paso De Patria
0552 Paso Yobay
036 Pedro Juan Caballero
086 Pilar
0768 Pirapo
061 Presidente Franco
047 Puente Kyha
046 Salto Del Guaira
0677 San Alberto
073 San Cosme
0431 San Estanislao
082 San Ignacio / Misiones
081 San Juan Bautista / Misiones
0784 San Juan Neembucu
0783 San Miguel / Misiones
0742 San Pedro Del Parana
042 San Pedro Del Ycua Mandyju
0781 Santa María / Misiones
0673 Santa Rita
0678 Santa Rosa Del Monday
0858 Santa Rosa / Misiones
0782 Santiago
0553 Tebicuary
0351 Valle Mi mi
044 Villa Del Rosario
083 Villa Florida
026 Villa Hayes
025 Villeta
039 Yby Ja'U
0275 Ypane
Unspecified Area Unspecified Area Unspecified Area