Reported phone numbers in Peru (+511)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +51
E.164 (Country Code): 51
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Lima
Language: Spanish; Castilian
Valuta: Peruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN)
Local Time: 01:25
Timezone: America/Lima
Population: 31 989 256
Land Area: 1 285 220 KM2

Details for calling Peru

These reported phone numbers originate from Peru but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Peru / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +51 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Peru is 01:25.

Unspecified phone numbers from Peru

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Peru.

+5116346060 +51 1 6346060 (01) 6346060 tel:+51-1-6346060
+5116346161 +51 1 6346161 (01) 6346161 tel:+51-1-6346161
+5116346260 +51 1 6346260 (01) 6346260 tel:+51-1-6346260
+5116346262 +51 1 6346262 (01) 6346262 tel:+51-1-6346262
+5116347373 +51 1 6347373 (01) 6347373 tel:+51-1-6347373
+5116370240 +51 1 6370240 (01) 6370240 tel:+51-1-6370240
+5116370270 +51 1 6370270 (01) 6370270 tel:+51-1-6370270
+5116370360 +51 1 6370360 (01) 6370360 tel:+51-1-6370360
+5116370400 +51 1 6370400 (01) 6370400 tel:+51-1-6370400
+5116408690 +51 1 6408690 (01) 6408690 tel:+51-1-6408690
+5116409518 +51 1 6409518 (01) 6409518 tel:+51-1-6409518
+5116409521 +51 1 6409521 (01) 6409521 tel:+51-1-6409521
+5116409522 +51 1 6409522 (01) 6409522 tel:+51-1-6409522
+5116409540 +51 1 6409540 (01) 6409540 tel:+51-1-6409540
+5116409754 +51 1 6409754 (01) 6409754 tel:+51-1-6409754
+5116409771 +51 1 6409771 (01) 6409771 tel:+51-1-6409771
+5116409773 +51 1 6409773 (01) 6409773 tel:+51-1-6409773
+5116409883 +51 1 6409883 (01) 6409883 tel:+51-1-6409883
+5116419069 +51 1 6419069 (01) 6419069 tel:+51-1-6419069
+5116419132 +51 1 6419132 (01) 6419132 tel:+51-1-6419132
+5116419980 +51 1 6419980 (01) 6419980 tel:+51-1-6419980
+5116608417 +51 1 6608417 (01) 6608417 tel:+51-1-6608417
+5116608573 +51 1 6608573 (01) 6608573 tel:+51-1-6608573
+5116900000 +51 1 6900000 (01) 6900000 tel:+51-1-6900000
+5116901773 +51 1 6901773 (01) 6901773 tel:+51-1-6901773
+5116901774 +51 1 6901774 (01) 6901774 tel:+51-1-6901774
+5117001603 +51 1 7001603 (01) 7001603 tel:+51-1-7001603
+5117002000 +51 1 7002000 (01) 7002000 tel:+51-1-7002000
+5117004100 +51 1 7004100 (01) 7004100 tel:+51-1-7004100
+5117004400 +51 1 7004400 (01) 7004400 tel:+51-1-7004400
+5117005300 +51 1 7005300 (01) 7005300 tel:+51-1-7005300
+5117005600 +51 1 7005600 (01) 7005600 tel:+51-1-7005600
+5117006800 +51 1 7006800 (01) 7006800 tel:+51-1-7006800
+5117008500 +51 1 7008500 (01) 7008500 tel:+51-1-7008500
+5117011200 +51 1 7011200 (01) 7011200 tel:+51-1-7011200
+5117011300 +51 1 7011300 (01) 7011300 tel:+51-1-7011300
+5117011500 +51 1 7011500 (01) 7011500 tel:+51-1-7011500
+5117012000 +51 1 7012000 (01) 7012000 tel:+51-1-7012000
+5117012500 +51 1 7012500 (01) 7012500 tel:+51-1-7012500
+5117014000 +51 1 7014000 (01) 7014000 tel:+51-1-7014000
+5117014200 +51 1 7014200 (01) 7014200 tel:+51-1-7014200
+5117015100 +51 1 7015100 (01) 7015100 tel:+51-1-7015100
+5117016600 +51 1 7016600 (01) 7016600 tel:+51-1-7016600
+5117017500 +51 1 7017500 (01) 7017500 tel:+51-1-7017500
+5117018322 +51 1 7018322 (01) 7018322 tel:+51-1-7018322
+5117019701 +51 1 7019701 (01) 7019701 tel:+51-1-7019701
+5117019717 +51 1 7019717 (01) 7019717 tel:+51-1-7019717
+5117028077 +51 1 7028077 (01) 7028077 tel:+51-1-7028077
+5117028079 +51 1 7028079 (01) 7028079 tel:+51-1-7028079
+5117028914 +51 1 7028914 (01) 7028914 tel:+51-1-7028914