Area code 48 (Ciechanów)
Local time
46 438
46 438
Emergency phone number
Area code 48 - Ciechanów
Ciechanów is located in Poland and has area code 48.
When calling a person or company located in Ciechanów from abroad,
you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code.
In this case +4848 followed by the phone number.
Local time and other details
Local time in Ciechanów is 20:18. Ciechanów has a population of 46 438 citiciens (2017-09-04).
Ciechanów - Postal numbers
Ciechanów has 10 different postal numbers / zip numbers.Postal number | Municipality | County | Lon/Lat |
13-230 | Ciechanówko | Warmia-Masuria | 19.8154/53.3023 |
18-230 | Ciechanowiec | Podlasie | 22.498/52.6813 |
18-230 | Ciechanowczyk | Podlasie | 22.5222/52.6522 |
06-413 | Ciechanów | Mazovia | 20.6326/52.8798 |
06-410 | Ciechanów | Mazovia | 20.5878/52.8872 |
06-409 | Ciechanów | Mazovia | 20.6298/52.8656 |
06-401 | Ciechanów | Mazovia | 20.6003/52.8727 |
06-400 | Ciechanów | Mazovia | 20.6084/52.8766 |
58-410 | Ciechanowice | Lower Silesia | 15.9833/50.8634 |
56-209 | Ciechanów | Lower Silesia | 16.4322/51.5819 |
Reported phone numbers in Ciechanów
The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.
+48236773060 | +48 23 677 30 60 | 23 677 30 60 | tel:+48-23-677-30-60 |
+48236883902 | +48 23 688 39 02 | 23 688 39 02 | tel:+48-23-688-39-02 |