Area code 48 (Gorzów Wielkopolski)
Local time
Gorzów Wielkopolski
Gorzów Wielkopolski
Gorzów Wielkopolski
124 430
Gorzów Wielkopolski
124 430
Emergency phone number
Gorzów Wielkopolski
Gorzów Wielkopolski
Area code 48 - Gorzów Wielkopolski
Gorzów Wielkopolski is located in Poland and has area code 48.
When calling a person or company located in Gorzów Wielkopolski from abroad,
you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code.
In this case +4848 followed by the phone number.
Local time and other details
Local time in Gorzów Wielkopolski is 14:18. Gorzów Wielkopolski has a population of 124 430 citiciens (2020-06-11).
Gorzów Wielkopolski - Postal numbers
Gorzów Wielkopolski has 1 postal number / zip number.Postal number | Municipality | County | Lon/Lat |
66-400 | Gorzów Wielkopolski | Lubusz | 15.2369/52.7358 |
Reported phone numbers in Gorzów Wielkopolski
The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.
+48957111035 | +48 95 711 10 35 | 95 711 10 35 | tel:+48-95-711-10-35 |